Arts and social sustainability: Promoting intergenerational relations through community theatre | Journal Paper by Anthony Killick
Materialistic values, flow experiences and the role of self-regulatory resources | Journal Paper
Youth Attitudes and Participation in Climate Protest: An international cities comparison | Journal paper
Guildford Takes The Jump | CUSP co-hosting event at #GreatBigGreenWeek, Guildford 25 Sept 2021
Season for Change | UK-wide cultural programme inspiring urgent and inclusive action on climate change, Autumn 2021
Predatory financial tactics are putting the very survival of the UK care system at risk | The Guardian op-ed by Christine Corlet Walker
Survey | Public opinion on economic growth and the planet
After the Market?—Capitalism’s free lunches | Guest blog by Victor Anderson
Billionaire space race: the ultimate symbol of capitalism’s flawed obsession with growth | Blog by Tim Jackson
A new England: After 25 more years of hurt have the new lads finally grown up? | Blog by Ben Gallant
Children, Youth and Sustainability—Film launch and study findings | Christchurch NZ, 22 Jul, 5.30pm (NZST)
Tackling growth dependency—the case of adult social care | Working paper and Policy Briefing
Pathways to good work in challenging times—lessons from the community business sector | Blog by Ian Vickers
Call for participants | Exploring post-growth teaching practices in UK business schools
Ancient, fresh visions of land | Blog by Malaika Cunningham
Situated Understandings of the Good Life | Blog by Sue Venn, Kate Burningham and Tim Jackson
Thinking our way through crisis | Participatory roundtable session at #Degrowth2021 conference, Online, 7 July 2021
Empirical Insights about Sustainable Welfare and Eco-social Policies | CUSP session at #Degrowth2021 conference, Online, 6 July 2021
Speculative storytelling for positive, diverse futures | Live online event with Q&A, 28 Jun 2021
Sustainable fashion designers inspiring policy change: how enterprises can be supported for a sustainable future | Blog by Fergus Lyon
Can micro and small fashion businesses revolutionise fashion? | Event series, Online 17-21 May 2021
Introducing Ecogenia—a year of service for climate solutions in Greece | Guest blog by Lia Papazoglou
Confronting inequality: Hyper-capitalism, proto-socialism, and post-pandemic recovery | Journal Paper
Video | Can democracy safeguard the future? | Book launch and panel discussion, 20 May 2021
Care homes: why investment firms can be bad owners | Blog by Christine Corlet Walker
Welfare systems without economic growth | Review paper by Christine Corlet Walker, Angela Druckman and Tim Jackson
Collecting Real Utopias: Introductions | Blog by Malaika Cunningham
#ClimateExp0 | COP26 Universities Network Conference | 17-21 May 2021
Post Growth — Life After Capitalism | By Tim Jackson
Video | COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned one year on | Tim Jackson in conversation with Al Jazeera
Careless Finance—Operational and economic fragility in adult social care | CUSP Working Paper by C Corlet Walker, A Druckman and T Jackson
Democracy’s Rough Music: Reasons to Resist the Silencing of Protest | Blog by Graeme Hayes
Worker wellbeing and productivity in advanced economies: Re-examining the link | Journal paper by Amy Isham, Simon Mair and Tim Jackson
A Typology and Mapping Method for Climate Actors in the UK | Journal Paper by Steven Smith and Ian Christie
What makes for a good life in Woking? | Research and Workshop Report
What makes for a good life in Hay-on-Wye? | Research and Workshop Report
Democracy, the Long View and Health in the light of COVID | Guest blog by John Lotherington
Economic policy and the voluntary sector: How to combat the issue of rising needs and declining resources | Guest blog by Ed Mayo
Building Forward Better | CUSP #postgrowth research informing ambitious Canadian Senate White Paper
Webinar | Akatu Institute presents Brazilian results of the CYCLES 2020 survey, 3 Dec 2020
Video | Transformational Economics to Meet Net-Zero: #RaceToZero dialogues session with Sharan Burrow, Naoko Ishi, Jayati Ghosh, Maja Göpel and Tim Jackson
Children, Citizenship and Environment, #SchoolStrike Edition | By Bronwyn Hayward
*EMOTIONAL* MONTAGES and the comfort of meritocracy | Blog by Mark Ball
Dance, wellbeing and our professional lives: A new cross-cultural research study | Blog by Patrick Elf and Michela Vecchi
Recovering from the Pandemic: Bolstering Wellbeing with Nature | New project led by CUSP researcher Birgitta Gatersleben
Making skills central to the net zero journey | Guest blog by Joan Walley
Young people’s experiences with local transport and green space in seven diverse urban communities | Journal Paper
Ensuring a Post-COVID Economic Agenda Tackles Global Biodiversity Loss | Journal paper
Businesses as promoters of consumer pro-environmental behaviour? | Blog by Patrick Elf and Amy Isham
Above and beyond?—An examination of the IKEA Live Lagom project | Journal Paper by P Elf, A Isham and B Gatersleben
Pursuing productivity—better ways for business, people and planet | Blog by Amy Isham and Helen Fitzhugh
Listening to young people to build back better | Blog by Kate Prendergast
What Makes for a Good Life in Hay-on-Wye? | CUSP workshop at #ESRCFestival of Social Science, 12 Nov 2020
Upskilling the UK Workforce for the 21st Century | Policy Briefing
What Makes for a Good Life in Woking? | CUSP workshop at #ESRCFestival of Social Science, 10 Nov 2020
Wellbeing and Productivity: What’s the link? | CUSP/PrOPEL Hub workshop at #ESRCfestival of Social Science, 9 Nov 2020
Thinking about Recovery—An Audience with the CUSP Advisory Committee, 27 Oct 2020
Changing the language of debate—NZ, party politics and ‘growth’ | Blog by Geoff Ford, Bronwyn Hayward and Kevin Watson
Upskilling the UK Workforce for the 21st Century | #UpskillingUK launch, 15 Oct 2020
Podcast | Curb excess capitalism to save nature—@BBC5Live with Tim Jackson
The Politics of Participation in Cultural Policy Making | Journal Paper by Elysia Lechelt and Malaika Cunningham
Just Transition: Pathways to Socially Inclusive Decarbonisation | #COP26Universities Network Briefing
Cultural Industries and the Environmental Crisis: New Approaches for Policy | Edited by Kate Oakley and Mark Banks
Survey | Young people’s urban experiences in #Lambeth London
This is Not Normal—The Collapse of Liberal Britain | By Will Davies
You don’t have to live like this—Review of Kate Soper’s Post-Growth Living | By Nick Taylor
XR and the Problem of Accountability: Reflections on the September Rebellion | By Graeme Hayes
Political Legitimation in Times of Transformation | #Mancept2020 Workshop, 10 Sept 2020
Young people, good life narratives, and sustainable futures: the case of Instagram | Journal Paper
Mary Douglas, good life narratives, and sustainability: Instagramming as skilful participation in a social conversation | Blog by Anastasia Loukianov
Values and goals: Can we intervene to reduce materialism? | Blog by Natasha Parker
Survey | Lifestyle responses to lockdown
Materialism as a barrier to sustainable wellbeing | Blog by Amy Isham
Brazil, lifestyles and lockdown: sustainable consumption in a disrupted society | Blog by Patrick Elf, Caroline Verfuerth and Carla Pasa Gómez