Frontiers in Psychology—Self-transcendent experiences as promoters of ecological wellbeing? | Journal paper
Affordable housing for all doesn’t have to cost the earth | Blog by Sophus Zu Ermgassen et al
Herman Daly Obituary | By Peter Victor
Podcast | #COP27: Is it time to rethink endless economic growth?—The Guardian Science Weekly with Tim Jackson
Economic Growth—can we ever have enough? | BBC Radio 4 Analysis with Tim Jackson, Jayati Ghosh, Danny Dorling, and Diane Coyle
No more fairy tales | Guest blog by Denise Baden
Instagram hashtags in context: Patterning of the discursive space in search for the #goodlife | Journal paper
The Value of a Whale: on the illusions of green capitalism—A conversation with Adrienne Buller | London, date tbc
A finance system for long term prosperity—Frank Redington Prize commendation for Prof Aled Jones
Transformative Metrics—Incentivising ‘regenerative value’ to improve sustainability outcomes | Book chapter by Amy Burnett
#ClimateParenting podcast series with Babita Sharma and Katy Glassborow shortlisted for #CHWAAwards2022
Time after time | CUSP Newsletter, October 2022
1972: The high water mark of modernity | Evening discussion, London 17 Nov 2022
From the Limits to Growth to Earth4All | APPG evening debate, 19 Oct 2022
The Light Tree Celebrations | Blog by Malaika Cunningham
Rainbow Bridge | BBC Radio drama series by Tim Jackson airing again
Animation | Mental health in the context of growth-dependency and climate breakdown—Short-film animation
Angels, ventures and environmental performance indicators: funding cleantech innovation | Blog by Theresia Harrer and Robyn Owen
Transforming community services through mutualism, social enterprise and democracy | Blog by Ian Vickers
Encouraging plant-based diets: Food labelling and interactions with individual wellbeing | Journal Paper
The hidden scale of ‘business for good’ | Report shows scope of social enterprise in UK
Pragmatism versus transformation: Embedding sustainability in higher education curricula | Working Paper by Simon Mair and Angela Druckman
Reducing early-stage Cleantech funding gaps | Journal Paper by Theresia Harrer and Robyn Owen
Moving beyond GDP is key to tackling a world in crisis | Blog by Paul Allin, Diane Coyle and Tim Jackson
A home for all within planetary boundaries: pathways for meeting England’s housing needs | Journal Paper by Sophus zu Ermgassen et al
Squaring the circle?—Postgrowth policy workshop, Berlin 11 Oct 2022
The Political Economy of Street Trees | Book Chapter by John Henneberry and Phil Catney
Harvesting Real Utopias—Blog by Malaika Cunningham
Postgrowth Mindset | Blog by Richard McNeill Douglas
Thinking Big—The transformative potential of Universal Ownership and Systems Change Investing | Guest blog by Andrew Gaisford
Careful what you wish for | Blog by Smith Mordak
Writing our way to sustainable economies? How academic sustainability writing engages with capitalism | Journal Article by Simon Mair
Strategies, tools and support mechanisms for African social enterprises | Online workshop, 25-26 Aug 2022
Advancing post-growth thinking: New CUSP research and advocacy grant from Laudes Foundation
Video: Beyond Consumerism—How do we communicate an alternative vision of prosperity?—Adfree Cities Conference 2022 with Amy Isham
Exploring External Finance links to ‘build back better’ a Green UK SME Economy | ERC research paper by Robyn Owen et al
Young Lives in Seven Cities: Key Survey Findings | Brochures
Vacancy for project administrator at new ACCESS Network: University of Surrey
Video: 50th Anniversary of The Limits to Growth—What has the EU learned and where do we go from here?
Caring for the Carers | CUSP Newsletter, June 2022
Building a UK Net Zero-aligned Financial Centre: What Next? | Policy Briefing
Held to Ransom: What happens when investment firms take over UK care homes | Report and Briefing Paper
Ecological macroeconomic assessment of meeting a carbon budget without negative emissions | Journal Paper by Martin R. Sers
Covid and Change—BBC Thinking Allowed with Will Davies
Reducing the environmental impact of clothing: an exploration of the potential of alternative business models | Journal Paper
ACCESS Summer School 2022: Championing Climate and Environmental Social Science, Windsor 14-16 Sept 2022
How COVID-19 revealed the politics of our economy | Blog by Will Davies, Sahil Jai Dutta, Nick Taylor, and Martina Tazzioli
A Canopy of Hope | Blog by Tim Jackson
The kids are not OK | Guest blog by Julia Steinberger
How can researchers influence policy when their work lies outside the political mainstream? | Blog by Richard McNeill Douglas
Customer engagement in the circular economy: Lessons from small fashion businesses | Blog by Patrick Elf and Andrea Werner
Natural Capital: Risks and Rewards | Research project in partnership with UK Food, Farming and Countryside Commission and Prince’s Countryside Fund
Twenty years of sustainable investment—Rising through ridicule and resistance to relevance | Seminar with Peter Michaelis, Online 12 May 2022
Lockdown, homeschooling and wellbeing impacts—A look at the UK numbers | Blog by Shimaa Elkomy
‘Making financial sense of the future’: actuaries and the management of climate-related financial risk | Journal Paper
Mum, Will the Planet Die Before I Do? | Climate parenting podcast series with Babita Sharma and Katy Glassborow
What is ecological economics: A brief history and why we need it now more than ever | Seminar with Prof Robert Costanza, Online 9 May 2022
Unprecedented?—How COVID-19 Revealed the Politics of Our Economy | Book by Will Davies, Sahil Jai Dutta, Nick Taylor and Martina Tazzioli
Social enterprise as a catalyst for sustainable and healthy local food systems | CUSP partnering in new UKRI research project
Why UK’s ‘treasured free-market economy’ will not achieve net zero | Blog by Tim Jackson
Mum, Will the Planet Die Before I Do? | Podcast launch event with Katy Glassborow and Babita Sharma, 27 Apr 2022
Materialistic Value Orientation and Wellbeing | Journal paper by Helga Dittmar and Amy Isham
Performance in the workplace: what’s dance got to do with it? | Blog by M Vecchi, P Elf and L Devereux
Exploring the Role of UK Government Policy in Developing the University Entrepreneurial Finance Ecosystem for Cleantech | Journal Paper
Living good lives within market economies—A discussion of Michael Sandel’s What Money Can’t Buy and The Tyranny of Merit | Working Paper
A critique of the marketisation of long-term residential and nursing home care | Journal Paper
Bringing postgrowth research into policy | Working Paper by Richard McNeill Douglas
The Problematic Role of Materialistic Values in the Pursuit of Sustainable Well-Being | Journal Paper
Vacancies for key roles at new ACCESS Network: University of Exeter and University of Surrey
Bread & Roses | Blog by Malaika Cunningham
Tripartite partnerships and sustainable consumption in Brazil: an evaluation of possibilities and risks | Journal Paper
Startup ventures and equity finance | Journal Paper by Yannis Pierrakis and Robyn Owen
APPG on the Limits to Growth | Newsletter March 2022
Culture and consumption | Blog by Denise Baden