The Politics of Participation in Cultural Policy Making | Journal Paper by Elysia Lechelt and Malaika Cunningham
Building a net zero emissions economy: Next steps for government and business | Report
Just Transition: Pathways to Socially Inclusive Decarbonisation | #COP26Universities Network Briefing
Leapfrogging to a Resilient Europe | EU policy conference w/ CUSP, 15–18 Sept 2020
Sharing ideas on alternative enterprises: the global reach of a social enterprise free online course | Blog by Fergus Lyon
XR and the Problem of Accountability: Reflections on the September Rebellion | By Graeme Hayes
Political Legitimation in Times of Transformation | #Mancept2020 Workshop, 10 Sept 2020
Sustainable Policy and Practice for Early Stage Cleantech Financing | Seminar with Robyn Owen and Theresia Harrer, 8 Sept 2020
Video | Social Innovation and the Climate Emergency | CUSP stream at #ISIRC2020 Conference, 1-3 Sept 2020
Acknowledging new realities for Nigerian social entrepreneurs | Workshop reflections by Adeyemi Adelekan et al
A New Climate Movement?—Extinction Rebellion’s Activists in Profile | By C Saunders, B Doherty and G Hayes
COVID-19 and The People’s Palace of Possibility | A Postal Art Project
E-scooters could disrupt travel as we know it—expect the car industry to fight back | Blog by Marc Hudson
Video | Repositioning your Social Enterprise for new realities | Strategy workshop, Lagos/Online 16-17 July
How can community businesses keep up the ‘good work’ beyond COVID-19? | Blog
Video | Shifting priorities in post-COVID recovery—Towards an economy of wellbeing for people and planet | EESC panel debate with Tim Jackson
Finance for a future of sustainable prosperity | Journal Paper by A Jones, N Taylor, S Hafner and J Kitchen
Why Cleantech Investment Should be a High Priority Now and after COVID-19 | Blog by Robyn Owen and Theresia Harrer
Disobedience, Protest, and the Pandemic: Climate Change and Citizen Action under Conditions of Social Distancing | Blog by Graeme Hayes
Democratic Innovations after the Post-Democratic Turn: Between Activation and Empowerment | Journal Paper by Marit Hammond
Biodiversity in a post-growth environment | Evidence submission to the EAC Possible Future Inquiry
Let’s Be Less Productive—Restoring the Value of Care | Article by Tim Jackson for The New York Times
Democracy in the Anthropocene—A critical exchange | Marit Hammond, John Dryzek and Jonathan Pickering
Alternative forms of democratic ownership and governance: Exploring the structural and cultural dimensions | Blog by Ian Vickers
Implementing Democratic Governance and Ownership: The Interplay of Structure and Culture in Public Service Social Enterprises | Journal Paper
Change in the political economy of land value capture in England | Journal Paper
Video: Will Endless Economic Growth End Us? | Peter Victor in TVO debate with Steve Paikin
Early Stage Investing in Green SMEs: The Case of the UK | Journal paper by Robyn Owen et al
City level policies for the transition to a Circular Economy: learning from London and İzmir | Blog by Zeynep Özçam
Dress in protest—exploring how sustainable fashion solutions can be a force for good | Seminar, Recife, 4 Mar 2020
Upcycling for change—a new free online course drawing on CUSP research
Gateway or getaway? Testing the link between lifestyle politics and other modes of political participation | Journal Paper by Joost de Moor and Soetkin Verhaegen
Alternatives to Resistance? Comparing Depoliticisation in Two British Environmental Movement Scenes | Journal Paper by Joost de Moor
Climate action shouldn’t mean choosing between personal and political responsibility | Blog by Joost de Moor, Brian Doherty and Phil Catney
Towards a Wellbeing Economy | EESC calls for a new vision of prosperity
Facing the discursive power game: The link between democracy and shared prosperity | Blog by Marit Hammond
Watching our politicians fumble through the bushfire crisis, I’m overwhelmed by déjà vu | Blog by Marc Hudson
‘Political’ action in environmental action organisations—Exploring the scope for strategic agency under post-political conditions | Journal Paper
Moving towards low-carbon lifestyles: a question of collective action | Blog by Joël Foramitti, Lorraine Whitmarsh & Angela Druckman
Our climate is like reckless banking before the crash—it’s time to talk about near-term collapse | Blog by Aled Jones and Will Steffen
‘Good work’ in community business | Blog by Fergus Lyon
Tackling the political economy of transformative change | Blog by Daniel Hausknost
Can private companies drive behaviour change for sustainability? | Seminar with Patrick Elf, London 11 Dec 2019
Fashion as a Just Cause? | Blog by Patrick Elf
The environmental state and the glass ceiling of transformation | Journal Paper by Daniel Hausknost
Sustainability as a cultural transformation: the role of deliberative democracy | Journal Paper by Marit Hammond
The ‘glass ceiling’ of the environmental state and the social denial of mortality | Journal Paper by Richard McNeill Douglas
Techno-fix futures will only accelerate climate chaos—don’t believe the hype | Blog by Joanna Boehnert and Simon Mair
The World We Made | A #StoryFrom2050 at Guildford School of Acting, 8 Nov 2019
The People’s Palace of Possibility at #ESRCFestival | Lancaster, 7 Nov 2019
Climate risk reporting: an essential tool for a net zero and resilient economy | Blog by Nick Molho
The World We Made | A #StoryFrom2050 at Farnham Maltings, 2 Nov 2019
Better Lives: Fostering Sustainable Practices in Small Fashion Businesses | London, 30 Oct 2019
The Case for the Green New Deal | Book launch w Ann Pettifor, Aeron Davis and Nick Taylor, London 23 Oct 2019
Harnessing SME Innovation and Tackling Climate Change: Why Regional Finance Matters
Whose Risk? Whose Responsibility? The Politics and Financialisation of Uncertainty | Blog by Nick Taylor
The World We Made | Premiere at Change Festival, 18 Oct 2019
Video | Socio-environmental injustices and ‘buen vivir’ in coastal cities of Chile | Seminar w/ Katia Valenzuela-Fuentes, London 2 Oct 2019
Growing pain: the delusion of boundless economic growth | Blog by Ian Christie, Ben Gallant and Simon Mair
HM Treasury’s Decarbonisation of the UK Economy and Green Finance Inquiry | Evidence Submissions
More jaw, less culture war—the case for citizens’ assemblies | Blog by Lucy Stone
Seven ideas for the #G7—Economic policies to tackle inequality and deliver wellbeing | Guest blog by Amanda Janoo
Transforming to Net-Zero Economies: Circular Business Models for Systems Innovation | Climate KIC Series edited by Geraldine Brennan
Policy and Protest in the Creative City | Blog by Anthony Killick
Social Innovation: Local Solutions to Global Challenges | CUSP at #ISIRC2019 conference
Balancing Purpose and Profit: The role of social enterprises | Workshop, Sydney 19 Aug 2019
Resisting the Creative Economy on Liverpool’s North Shore: Art-Based Political Communication in Practice | Journal Paper by Anthony Killick
Questioning ‘Self-Determination’ in #InclusiveGrowth: Echoing Australia’s Stolen Generation | Blog by Jo Kitchen
Financing Green Innovative SMEs: Regional Perspectives | Conference, Birmingham 27 Sept 2019
A new moral foundation for effective politics?—Populism, loyalty and the relevance of Ruskin | Blog by Charles Seaford
In the Age of Extinction, Who is Extreme? A Response to Policy Exchange | By Simon Mair and Julia Steinberger
Our Future in the Land | Final report of the Food, Farming & Countryside Commission
Green Populism?—Action and mortality in the Anthropocene | Essay by Will Davies
Protest for a Future | International report on #FridaysForTheFuture climate strike surveys in 13 European cities
Democratic Reform, Intergenerational Justice and the Challenges of the Long-Term | Essay by Simon Caney