The Care Economy | Book launch with Tim Jackson, Michael Dixon, Sam Everington and Zoe Williams
When politicians tell us to focus on growth we need to ask: ‘Why, and for whom?’—Rowan Williams for The Guardian
You And Me Here We Are—A Eulogy for Roger John Coward
Ringing the Changes | CUSP Newsletter, Dec 2024
The Care Economy | By Tim Jackson
Owning towards death: The asset condition as existential conundrum | Journal paper by Will Davies
Stay home: Mapping the new domestic regime | Journal paper by Will Davies, Sahil Jai Dutta and Nick Taylor
From Consumerism to Community: Transforming the Impact of Advertising | Blog by Simon Mair
Down and out in Paris and Dubai | CUSP Newsletter, Dec 2023
Doctor Who and the seeds of anxiety: exploring popular narratives of energy justice and exploitation | Journal Paper
Audiobook | Post Growth—Life After Capitalism, narrated by Tim Jackson
Blame Capitalism | Vox’s #TodayExplained Podcast with Tim Jackson
The Water We Swim In | Gripping new podcast series on system change and the big picture
Why science needs the arts | Radio NZ programme with Tim Jackson
From Davos to Reykjavík: decoupling wellbeing from growth | By Tim Jackson
Video: Imagining a postgrowth economy | Full Circle Brussels with Tim Jackson
Imagining a postgrowth world | By Tim Jackson
Democratic Economic Planning: How to Do It. | Seminar with Robin Hahnel, London 19 Jun 2023
Echoes of immortality: Art and the Wellbeing Economy | By Tim Jackson
A Toxic Economic System | #SystemShift Podcast with Tim Jackson
Economics for Rebels | CUSP Newsletter, April 2023
Just how far is ‘beyond growth’ for policy makers?—Economics for Rebels podcast with Tim Jackson
‘Post-Scarcity Economics’ | Seminar with Aaron Benanav, London 23 Mar 2023
No wealth without health | CUSP Newsletter, February 2023
2022 Eric Zencey Prize in Ecological Economics awarded to Tim Jackson’s book ‘Post Growth: Life After Capitalism’
Frontiers in Psychology—Self-transcendent experiences as promoters of ecological wellbeing? | Journal paper
The Value of a Whale: on the illusions of green capitalism—A conversation with Adrienne Buller | London, date tbc
1972: The high water mark of modernity | Evening discussion, London 17 Nov 2022
Covid and Change—BBC Thinking Allowed with Will Davies
How COVID-19 revealed the politics of our economy | Blog by Will Davies, Sahil Jai Dutta, Nick Taylor, and Martina Tazzioli
A Canopy of Hope | Blog by Tim Jackson
‘Making financial sense of the future’: actuaries and the management of climate-related financial risk | Journal Paper
Unprecedented?—How COVID-19 Revealed the Politics of Our Economy | Book by Will Davies, Sahil Jai Dutta, Nick Taylor and Martina Tazzioli
Living good lives within market economies—A discussion of Michael Sandel’s What Money Can’t Buy and The Tyranny of Merit | Working Paper
The Art of Power | Blog by Tim Jackson
Herman Daly’s Economics for a Full World—His Life and Ideas | Book by Peter A Victor
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi—A visionary for our time | By Amy Isham and Tim Jackson
Why health should replace wealth as the heart of prosperity | Blog by Tim Jackson and Julian Sheather
Wie wollen wir leben? Wege aus dem Wachstumswahn | Book launch with Tim Jackson and Barbara Unmüßig, 18 Oct 2021
Life After Capitalism: Tim Jackson in conversation with Molly Scott Cato | Guildford Book Festival, 6 Oct 2021
Billionaire space race: the ultimate symbol of capitalism’s flawed obsession with growth | Blog by Tim Jackson
Thinking our way through crisis | Participatory roundtable session at #Degrowth2021 conference, Online, 7 July 2021
Speculative storytelling for positive, diverse futures | Live online event with Q&A, 28 Jun 2021
Investing to escape: the ‘Financial Independence Retire Early’ movement | Blog by Will Davies and Nick Taylor
Post Growth — Life After Capitalism | By Tim Jackson
The financialisation of anti-capitalism? The case of the ‘Financial Independence Retire Early’ community | Journal Paper
Video | Ecological Economics: What has Covid-19 revealed about our fragile economy?
Imagination and critique in environmental politics | Journal Paper by Marit Hammond
Neoliberal economics, planetary health, and the COVID-19 pandemic | The Lancet Planetary Health paper by Simon Mair
Video | 6th Nature of Prosperity Dialogue—with Rowan Williams, Jane Davidson, Roman Krznaric, Madeline Bunting and many others
Valuing Knowledge: The Impact of Human Capital Accounting on Global Economic Governance | Guest blog by David Yarrow
This is Not Normal—The Collapse of Liberal Britain | By Will Davies
You don’t have to live like this—Review of Kate Soper’s Post-Growth Living | By Nick Taylor
Materialism and the Experience of Flow | Journal Paper by Amy Isham, Birgitta Gatersleben and Tim Jackson
Succession Economics: Sustaining prosperity beyond death | Working Paper by Will Davies
Finance for a future of sustainable prosperity | Journal Paper by A Jones, N Taylor, S Hafner and J Kitchen
Video | Divestment: Economic, Historical, and Moral Perspectives | Panel with Tim Jackson, Fiona Harvey and Rowan Williams
The Altruist Within: In pursuit of sustainability and justice in a broken financial system | By Tim Jackson
Democratic Innovations after the Post-Democratic Turn: Between Activation and Empowerment | Journal Paper by Marit Hammond
The holiday of exchange value | Blog by Will Davies
A tale of two utopias: Work in a post-growth world | Journal paper by S Mair, A Druckman and T Jackson
How to think about the meta-crisis without getting too excited | Blog by Jonathan Rowson
Sir Roger Scruton (1944-2020)—An Appreciation | By Ian Christie
What progress do we want? | Tim Jackson at Parliament for the Future, OECD 22 Jan 2020
Facing the discursive power game: The link between democracy and shared prosperity | Blog by Marit Hammond
Podcast | Morality & modelling in a Wall Street trading room | Daniel Beunza in conversation with Will Davies
Tackling the political economy of transformative change | Blog by Daniel Hausknost
The environmental state and the glass ceiling of transformation | Journal Paper by Daniel Hausknost
Sustainability as a cultural transformation: the role of deliberative democracy | Journal Paper by Marit Hammond
The ‘glass ceiling’ of the environmental state and the social denial of mortality | Journal Paper by Richard McNeill Douglas
The World We Made | A #StoryFrom2050 at Guildford School of Acting, 8 Nov 2019
The Case for the Green New Deal | Book launch w Ann Pettifor, Aeron Davis and Nick Taylor, London 23 Oct 2019
Not Capitalism or Socialism, but both | Blog by Richard McNeill Douglas
Whose Risk? Whose Responsibility? The Politics and Financialisation of Uncertainty | Blog by Nick Taylor
The existential challenge of studying climate politics | Blog by Richard McNeill Douglas