Calling for growth is not the same as delivering it | Tim Jackson for The New Statesman
Economic impacts of energy transitions: insights from a new economic model | Blog by Andrew Jackson
Cooperative ways to help farmers benefit from restoring nature | Report and Policy Briefing
SME Green Horizons: Tackling Financing for Nature-Friendly Ventures | Symposium, London 4 Feb 2025
Macroeconomic, sectoral and financial dynamics in energy transitions | Journal paper by Andrew Jackson and Tim Jackson
Ringing the Changes | CUSP Newsletter, Dec 2024
Paper Development Workshop on Innovative Research Methods in Accounting | Helsinki, 15-16 Sept 2025
The relationship between energy and capital: insights from The Wealth of Nations | Journal paper by Simon Mair
‘Comparative advantage’ is an outdated principle | Letter to the Financial Times
Nature-Positive Investment: a pitch and coaching opportunity for start-ups | London, 16 Jan 2025
Owning towards death: The asset condition as existential conundrum | Journal paper by Will Davies
Are English SMEs disadvantaged in accessing Green Finance? A study of UK debt finance provision
Financing green innovation startups: a systematic literature review on early-stage SME funding | Journal Paper
Accelerating Finance for Green Small Businesses: Building a Sustainable Future | Blog by Robyn Owen and Amy Burnett
Live Pitch Event: Connecting Start-ups with Green Investors | London, 20 June 2024
How green finance for Small and Medium Enterprises could encourage nature recovery | Blog
SME Nature Positive Finance | Conference, London 15 Mar 2024
Redirecting Finance to Nature: The Case for Mandatory TNFD-Aligned Disclosures | Policy Briefing
Down and out in Paris and Dubai | CUSP Newsletter, Dec 2023
Over 100 businesses urge for ambitious action on net zero | Letter to UK Prime Minister, 18 Jul 2023
Managing Climate Risk: The Role of Financial Regulators in the Net Zero Transition | Policy Report
The Hidden Masters of the Universe | BBC Radio 4 documentary with Christine Corlet Walker
A Toxic Economic System | #SystemShift Podcast with Tim Jackson
The Limits of Win-Win: Is sustainability a market opportunity or a moral obligation? | Seminar with Duncan Austin, 11 May 2023
Economics for Rebels | CUSP Newsletter, April 2023
Post Growth and the North-South Divide: a post-Keynesian stock-flow consistent analysis | Working Paper
Just how far is ‘beyond growth’ for policy makers?—Economics for Rebels podcast with Tim Jackson
Why SME finance markets need to act fast to address nature as well as climate | Blog by Robyn Owen, Amy Burnett and Fergus Lyon
Sunak’s growth fetish is a problem: he’s heading for the same budget trap as Truss—Guardian Opinion piece by Tim Jackson
A finance system for long term prosperity—Frank Redington Prize commendation for Prof Aled Jones
Angels, ventures and environmental performance indicators: funding cleantech innovation | Blog by Theresia Harrer and Robyn Owen
Reducing early-stage Cleantech funding gaps | Journal Paper by Theresia Harrer and Robyn Owen
Thinking Big—The transformative potential of Universal Ownership and Systems Change Investing | Guest blog by Andrew Gaisford
Exploring External Finance links to ‘build back better’ a Green UK SME Economy | ERC research paper by Robyn Owen et al
Building a UK Net Zero-aligned Financial Centre: What Next? | Policy Briefing
Held to Ransom: What happens when investment firms take over UK care homes | Report and Briefing Paper
Ecological macroeconomic assessment of meeting a carbon budget without negative emissions | Journal Paper by Martin R. Sers
Natural Capital: Risks and Rewards | Research project in partnership with UK Food, Farming and Countryside Commission and Prince’s Countryside Fund
Twenty years of sustainable investment—Rising through ridicule and resistance to relevance | Seminar with Peter Michaelis, Online 12 May 2022
‘Making financial sense of the future’: actuaries and the management of climate-related financial risk | Journal Paper
Exploring the Role of UK Government Policy in Developing the University Entrepreneurial Finance Ecosystem for Cleantech | Journal Paper
Startup ventures and equity finance | Journal Paper by Yannis Pierrakis and Robyn Owen
Land is the new frontier to greenwash corporate sins | Letter to the Financial Times
Beyond the Debt Controversy—Re-framing fiscal and monetary policy | Working Paper and Policy Briefing
Crisis in Care: Follow the Money | CUSP research informing BBC Panorama investigation
Tackling predatory financial practices in the adult social care sector | Briefing note for the UK Health and Care Bill
World Scientists Warning into Action—Tim Jackson in conversation with Ed Gemmell at #COP26
Lessons From Government Venture Capital Funds to Enable the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy: The UK Case | Journal paper by Robyn Owen
A Snapshot of the UK Social Investment Market | Report | Blog by Jess Daggers
Why does impact investing not (yet) work? A few reflections on a recent symposium | Blog by Theresia Harrer and Othmar Lehner
Predatory financial tactics are putting the very survival of the UK care system at risk | The Guardian op-ed by Christine Corlet Walker
Why does the impact investing market not fully work? | #AOM2021 Symposium with CUSP, 1 Aug 2021
Aspiring Angel Investors—Supporting women tackling Climate Change | Pitch Workshop, 30 June 2021
Financing the future: Driving Investment for net zero emissions and nature restoration | Report
Video | Financing the future: Driving Investment for net zero emissions and nature restoration | Report launch, 22 Jun 2021
Enabling transformative economic change in the post-2020 biodiversity agenda | Journal Paper
Follow the Money—how careless finance is ruining social care | Blog by Christine Corlet Walker, Tim Jackson and Angela Druckman
Careless Finance—Operational and economic fragility in adult social care | CUSP Working Paper by C Corlet Walker, A Druckman and T Jackson
The financialisation of anti-capitalism? The case of the ‘Financial Independence Retire Early’ community | Journal Paper
Video | A Budget for a Green recovery | APPG evidence session, 24 Feb 2021
Modelling Transition Risk | Blog by Tim Jackson
Modelling Transition Risk—Towards an Agent-Based, Stock-Flow Consistent Framework | Working Paper
Biodiversity Risk, Natural Capital and actuarial practice | Blog by Aled Jones et al
Redefining SME productivity measurement for a low carbon economy | Blog by Theresia Harrer and Robyn Owen
Making skills central to the net zero journey | Guest blog by Joan Walley
Ensuring a Post-COVID Economic Agenda Tackles Global Biodiversity Loss | Journal paper
Upskilling the UK Workforce for the 21st Century | #UpskillingUK launch, 15 Oct 2020
Podcast | Curb excess capitalism to save nature—@BBC5Live with Tim Jackson
Building a net zero emissions economy: Next steps for government and business | Report
Building a #NetZero emissions economy | Report launch, 5 Oct 2020
Podcast | Covid unemployment: a new crisis?—BBC World Service with Tim Jackson
Leapfrogging to a Resilient Europe | EU policy conference w/ CUSP, 15–18 Sept 2020
Sustainable Policy and Practice for Early Stage Cleantech Financing | Seminar with Robyn Owen and Theresia Harrer, 8 Sept 2020
The Transition to a Sustainable Prosperity—A Stock-Flow-Consistent Ecological Macroeconomic Model for Canada | Tim Jackson and Peter Victor
A post-growth recovery?—All-Party Group letter to the UK Chancellor, 7 July 2020