Pragmatism versus transformation: Embedding sustainability in higher education curricula | Working Paper by Simon Mair and Angela Druckman
Moving beyond GDP is key to tackling a world in crisis | Blog by Paul Allin, Diane Coyle and Tim Jackson
A home for all within planetary boundaries: pathways for meeting England’s housing needs | Journal Paper by Sophus zu Ermgassen et al
Squaring the circle?—Postgrowth policy workshop, Berlin 11 Oct 2022
Postgrowth Mindset | Blog by Richard McNeill Douglas
Thinking Big—The transformative potential of Universal Ownership and Systems Change Investing | Guest blog by Andrew Gaisford
Careful what you wish for | Blog by Smith Mordak
Writing our way to sustainable economies? How academic sustainability writing engages with capitalism | Journal Article by Simon Mair
Video: 50th Anniversary of The Limits to Growth—What has the EU learned and where do we go from here?
Held to Ransom: What happens when investment firms take over UK care homes | Report and Briefing Paper
Covid and Change—BBC Thinking Allowed with Will Davies
A Canopy of Hope | Blog by Tim Jackson
How can researchers influence policy when their work lies outside the political mainstream? | Blog by Richard McNeill Douglas
Twenty years of sustainable investment—Rising through ridicule and resistance to relevance | Seminar with Peter Michaelis, Online 12 May 2022
‘Making financial sense of the future’: actuaries and the management of climate-related financial risk | Journal Paper
What is ecological economics: A brief history and why we need it now more than ever | Seminar with Prof Robert Costanza, Online 9 May 2022
Why UK’s ‘treasured free-market economy’ will not achieve net zero | Blog by Tim Jackson
A critique of the marketisation of long-term residential and nursing home care | Journal Paper
Bringing postgrowth research into policy | Working Paper by Richard McNeill Douglas
Economic Sustainability for the 21st Century | EU #postgrowth policy event with Christine Corlet Walker, Julia Steinberger, Mario Pansera, Andrew Fanning, and Sandrine Dixson-Leclève
Is our obsession with GDP killing the climate?—BBC World Service with Tim Jackson, Kate Raworth, Jayati Ghosh and Celestin Monga
Land is the new frontier to greenwash corporate sins | Letter to the Financial Times
Aligning the UK’s economic goals with environmental sustainability—EAC evidence session with Tim Jackson
Whitehall’s new delivery plans aren’t strong enough on the environment | Blog by Richard Douglas
Advocacy for Climate Change and Environment Social Science | CUSP partnering in major new ESRC investment
Beyond the Debt Controversy—Re-framing fiscal and monetary policy | Working Paper and Policy Briefing
Aligning the UK’s economic goals with environmental sustainability | Evidence submissions to the EAC Beyond GDP inquiry
APPG on Limits to Growth | Newsletter, December 2021
Crisis in Care: Follow the Money | CUSP research informing BBC Panorama investigation
Tackling predatory financial practices in the adult social care sector | Briefing note for the UK Health and Care Bill
Herman Daly’s Economics for a Full World—His Life and Ideas | Book by Peter A Victor
World Scientists Warning into Action—Tim Jackson in conversation with Ed Gemmell at #COP26
Why health should replace wealth as the heart of prosperity | Blog by Tim Jackson and Julian Sheather
Professorship Vacancies at new Surrey Institute for Sustainability
Herman Daly’s Economics for a Full World | Book Launch at #ESRCFestival with P Victor, H Daly, K Trebeck, E Perkins and T Jackson, 24 Nov 2021
Values, resources and sustainable consumption—an institutional economics framework | Seminar with Peter Bradley, 5 Nov 2021
Wie wollen wir leben? Wege aus dem Wachstumswahn | Book launch with Tim Jackson and Barbara Unmüßig, 18 Oct 2021
Life After Capitalism: Tim Jackson in conversation with Molly Scott Cato | Guildford Book Festival, 6 Oct 2021
A Snapshot of the UK Social Investment Market | Report | Blog by Jess Daggers
Guildford Takes The Jump | CUSP co-hosting event at #GreatBigGreenWeek, Guildford 25 Sept 2021
Predatory financial tactics are putting the very survival of the UK care system at risk | The Guardian op-ed by Christine Corlet Walker
Survey | Public opinion on economic growth and the planet
Billionaire space race: the ultimate symbol of capitalism’s flawed obsession with growth | Blog by Tim Jackson
Why does the impact investing market not fully work? | #AOM2021 Symposium with CUSP, 1 Aug 2021
Tackling growth dependency—the case of adult social care | Working paper and Policy Briefing
Call for participants | Exploring post-growth teaching practices in UK business schools
Aspiring Angel Investors—Supporting women tackling Climate Change | Pitch Workshop, 30 June 2021
Tackling growth dependency in the welfare system—The case of adult social care | APPG meeting, 13 July 2021
Financing the future: Driving Investment for net zero emissions and nature restoration | Report
Thinking our way through crisis | Participatory roundtable session at #Degrowth2021 conference, Online, 7 July 2021
Empirical Insights about Sustainable Welfare and Eco-social Policies | CUSP session at #Degrowth2021 conference, Online, 6 July 2021
Video | Financing the future: Driving Investment for net zero emissions and nature restoration | Report launch, 22 Jun 2021
Can micro and small fashion businesses revolutionise fashion? | Event series, Online 17-21 May 2021
Enabling transformative economic change in the post-2020 biodiversity agenda | Journal Paper
Is economic growth compatible with solving climate change? | Tim Jackson in conversation with Zeke Hausfather from Breakthrough Institute
Confronting inequality: Hyper-capitalism, proto-socialism, and post-pandemic recovery | Journal Paper
Care homes: why investment firms can be bad owners | Blog by Christine Corlet Walker
Welfare systems without economic growth | Review paper by Christine Corlet Walker, Angela Druckman and Tim Jackson
Follow the Money—how careless finance is ruining social care | Blog by Christine Corlet Walker, Tim Jackson and Angela Druckman
#ClimateExp0 | COP26 Universities Network Conference | 17-21 May 2021
Video | What it takes… to be a sustainable business | Surrey seminar with Kirstie McIntyre, 13 May 2021, 1pm
Video | Shift to a Wellbeing Economy—Campaign launch for the #WellbeingEconomyPetition, 1 Apr 2021
Post Growth — Life After Capitalism | By Tim Jackson
Video | COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned one year on | Tim Jackson in conversation with Al Jazeera
Careless Finance—Operational and economic fragility in adult social care | CUSP Working Paper by C Corlet Walker, A Druckman and T Jackson
The financialisation of anti-capitalism? The case of the ‘Financial Independence Retire Early’ community | Journal Paper
Video | Ecological Economics: What has Covid-19 revealed about our fragile economy?
Budget 2021: Five priorities for a green and fair economic recovery | APPG letter to the Chancellor, 1 Mar 2021
Worker wellbeing and productivity in advanced economies: Re-examining the link | Journal paper by Amy Isham, Simon Mair and Tim Jackson
COVID-19 and the Economic Stories of our Time | Blog by Simon Mair
Video | A Budget for a Green recovery | APPG evidence session, 24 Feb 2021
Modelling Transition Risk | Blog by Tim Jackson
Modelling Transition Risk—Towards an Agent-Based, Stock-Flow Consistent Framework | Working Paper
Democracy, the Long View and Health in the light of COVID | Guest blog by John Lotherington
Neoliberal economics, planetary health, and the COVID-19 pandemic | The Lancet Planetary Health paper by Simon Mair