Video | Slower by design not disaster—2021 Gideon Rosenbluth Memorial Lecture by Peter A. Victor
COVID-19 and the Economic Stories of our Time | Blog by Simon Mair
Modelling Transition Risk | Blog by Tim Jackson
Modelling Transition Risk—Towards an Agent-Based, Stock-Flow Consistent Framework | Working Paper
Neoliberal economics, planetary health, and the COVID-19 pandemic | The Lancet Planetary Health paper by Simon Mair
Biodiversity Risk, Natural Capital and actuarial practice | Blog by Aled Jones et al
Emergence of new energy-transition models: A review | Journal paper by S Hafner, A Anger-Kraavi, I Monasterolo and A Jones
Questionnaire | Perspectives on Herman Daly and his Work
The Transition to a Sustainable Prosperity—A Stock-Flow-Consistent Ecological Macroeconomic Model for Canada | Tim Jackson and Peter Victor
Using critical slowing down indicators to understand economic growth rate variability and secular stagnation | Nature article by Craig D Rye and Tim Jackson
Recovery or Renewal? Time for an economic rethink | Blog by Craig D Rye and Tim Jackson
Rearing crickets—Life cycle assessment of a live pet food business | Journal paper by J Suckling, A Druckman, C D Moore and D Driscoll
Video | How can we build back better after COVID? | Panel discussion w/ Tim Jackson, Mariana Mazzucato, Michael Marmot and David King
Societal Wellbeing Indicators in National Policy Development: Learning from Civil Servants | A UK Case Study
Resources, Financial Risk and the Dynamics of Growth | By Roberto Pasqualino and Aled Jones
Finance for a future of sustainable prosperity | Journal Paper by A Jones, N Taylor, S Hafner and J Kitchen
Video | Divestment: Economic, Historical, and Moral Perspectives | Panel with Tim Jackson, Fiona Harvey and Rowan Williams
Biodiversity in a post-growth environment | Evidence submission to the EAC Possible Future Inquiry
Video | Will the global economy recover from COVID-19? | Al Jazeera’s #AJStartHere with Tim Jackson
What will the world be like after coronavirus? Four possible futures | Blog by Simon Mair
Let’s Be Less Productive—Restoring the Value of Care | Article by Tim Jackson for The New York Times
A tale of two utopias: Work in a post-growth world | Journal paper by S Mair, A Druckman and T Jackson
The Journey not the Destination: A Carbon Budget Simulator (updated w/ COVID-19 scenarios) | Blog by Peter Victor
Video: Will Endless Economic Growth End Us? | Peter Victor in TVO debate with Steve Paikin
Productivity, energy and climate change—a view on the links | Blog by Simon Mair
Cents and nonsense: A critical appraisal of the monetary valuation of nature | Journal Paper by Peter Victor
The limits of energy sufficiency: Rebound effects and negative spillovers from behavioural change | Journal Paper
Why we need a more critical stance on the relationship between wellbeing and productivity | Blog by Amy Isham
Wellbeing and Productivity: A Review of the Literature | Working Paper by Amy Isham, Simon Mair and Tim Jackson
Is growth an illusion? | Deutsche Bank hosting event programme at #wef2020 in Davos to discuss the post-growth challenge
Closing the green finance gap—A systems perspective | Journal Paper by Sarah Hafner et al
Powering Productivity Project—Mapping Method | Report by Joanna Boehnert, Simon Mair and Cecilia Landa-Avila
Moving towards low-carbon lifestyles: a question of collective action | Blog by Joël Foramitti, Lorraine Whitmarsh & Angela Druckman
Our climate is like reckless banking before the crash—it’s time to talk about near-term collapse | Blog by Aled Jones and Will Steffen
Unraveling the claims for (and against) green growth | Science Article by Tim Jackson and Peter Victor
LowGrow SCF—A stock-flow-consistent ecological macroeconomic model for Canada | Working Paper by Tim Jackson and Peter Victor
Agent-based and stock-flow consistent models for complex economies | #ASCOPE2020 conference, Paris 11-12 June 2020
Techno-fix futures will only accelerate climate chaos—don’t believe the hype | Blog by Joanna Boehnert and Simon Mair
The storied state of economics: Review of Robert Shiller’s Narrative Economics | Nature Article by Tim Jackson
A polity proposal for Beyond-GDP | Guest blog by Rutger Hoekstra
Not Capitalism or Socialism, but both | Blog by Richard McNeill Douglas
Growing pain: the delusion of boundless economic growth | Blog by Ian Christie, Ben Gallant and Simon Mair
How getting rid of ‘shit jobs’ and the metric of productivity can combat climate change | Blog by Simon Mair
HM Treasury’s Decarbonisation of the UK Economy and Green Finance Inquiry | Evidence Submissions
2050 is too late—we must drastically cut emissions much sooner | Blog by Tim Jackson
The World We Want | CUSP workshop at #GlobalClimateStrike, Guildford 20 Sept 2019
Wellbeing, Care and Robots—Prospects for good work in the health and social care sector | Working Paper by A Druckman and S Mair
Embracing visions of progress, #BeyondGDP | Blog by Christine Corlet Walker
Usufruct: a historical lens on a modern crisis | Blog by Ben Gallant
‘Green growth’ is not the solution | Blog by Christine Corlet Walker
Measuring Prosperity—Navigating the Options | Working Paper by Christine Corlet Walker and Tim Jackson
“All Models are Wrong”—The challenge of modelling ‘deep decarbonisation’ | Working Paper by Tim Jackson
Global Food and Energy Security—Integrated System Dynamics Model for Addressing Systemic Risk | Journal Paper by R Pasqualino, I Monasterolo and A Jones
Zero Carbon Sooner—The case for an early zero carbon target for the UK | Working Paper by Tim Jackson
Powering Productivity | Exploring links between energy, wellbeing and the UK’s productivity puzzle
A shift in temperature—the financial challenge of a zero carbon economy | Blog by Tim Jackson and Andrew Jackson
TRansit | New project developing a novel macroeconomic model of ‘transition risk’
Identity in crisis: Ecological Economists meet in Turku | Blog by Ben Gallant
‘Whatever it takes’—the new economics of system change | Blog by Tim Jackson
Finding the $500 billion | Blog by Aled Jones and Sarah Hafner
Barriers to Investment in Climate Change Solutions—A Scoping Review | Sarah Hafner, Olivia James and Aled Jones
Energy, Productivity and Wellbeing | New funding to explore links between energy, wellbeing and the UK’s productivity puzzle
High subjective wellbeing, low-carbon leisure—A time-use approach | Journal Paper by Angela Druckman and Birgitta Gatersleben
Managing a Post-Growth Economy: Circularity, Productivity and Inequality | A ‘Circular Conversation’ w Tim Jackson
Sustainability—Paradigms, Models, Scenarios and Practices | Call for Papers
Fixing the Green Finance Gap: A system modelling approach | Seminar w Sarah Hafner, Cambridge 27 Mar 2019
The Post-growth Challenge: Secular Stagnation, Inequality and the Limits to Growth | Journal Paper by Tim Jackson
Helping the dairy processing sector go ‘green’
Podcast | The Burning Question | BBC World Service Debate w Tim Jackson and Michael Liebreich
Video | System Error—Award-winning documentary w Tim Jackson investigating the paradigm of ‘economic growth’
Managing Without Growth—Slower by Design, Not Disaster (2nd edition) | By Peter Victor
Could energetic constraints be slowing economic growth? | Seminar w Paul Brockway, Guildford, 7 Feb 2019
System Dynamics Modelling | Workshop, Cambridge 24 Jan 2019
Over the horizon: Exploring the conditions of a post-growth world | Journal Paper
LowGrow SFC: An ecological macroeconomic simulation model by Tim Jackson and Peter Victor