The Nature of Prosperity Dialogue
A prosperous society is concerned not only with income and financial wealth, but also with the health and wellbeing of its citizens, with their access to good quality education, and with their prospects for decent and rewarding work. Prosperity enables basic individual rights and freedoms. But it must also deliver the ability for people to participate meaningfully in common projects. Ultimately, prosperity must offer society a credible and inclusive vision of social progress. The over-arching goal of CUSP is to contribute to that essential task.

CUSP is exploring what it means to live a ‘good life’ within the ecological constraints of a finite planet. As part of this, we are developing a series of ‘sustainable prosperity narratives’: stories that describe sustainable, prosperous futures and how we might get there.
We have initiated an extended public dialogue aimed at bringing together people from all walks of life and all sectors of society to develop new visions for a lasting and sustainable prosperity. Chaired by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, The Nature of Prosperity offers a stimulating environment for discussion and a creative forum for change—a decidedly public theme.
#ProsperityIs | CUSP is exploring what it means to live a ‘good life’ within the ecological constraints of a finite planet. As part of this, we are developing a series of ‘sustainable prosperity narratives’: stories that describe sustainable, prosperous futures and how we might get there. Under the umbrella of our Nature of Prosperity dialogue, we launched a public engagement campaign to elicit the views of the wider community about what the nature of prosperity is. This and other projects feed into the story-development process. We test these stories using economic models.
2|2 What’s your vision of prosperity? Join our conversation on the Nature of Prosperity with #ProsperityIs
— CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 16, 2016
1|2 Our vision for prosperity is one in which people everywhere have the capability to flourish as human beings – w/in planetary boundaries. — CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 16, 2016
#ProsperityIs. “Having the chance to live a happy and meaningful life.” @CUSP_uk @ProfTimJackson @CES_Surrey
— CES at Univ. Surrey (@CES_Surrey) June 29, 2016
Can’t have a healthy business in a unhealthy world. #ProsperityIs — GNH Centre Bhutan (@GNHCentreBhutan) May 23, 2016
@ProfTimJackson describes so beautifully the future possibilities of prosperity in this simple graph #ProsperityIs
— Mahima Sukhdev (@MahiTuna) May 23, 2016
Could it be that #ProsperityIs investing in services? Negative productivity in labour terms in actually interesting. #lesstuff — Rebecca Pain (@RebeccaPain) May 23, 2016
Tim Jackson: @CUSP_uk strands = MAPSS: Meaning, Art, Politics, Society, Systems. So, more than economics & climate change. #ProsperityIs
— Dr Zareen P Bharucha (@b_zareen) May 23, 2016
A great evening at last night’s #CUSPlaunch with interesting discussion on what #ProsperityIs @CUSP_uk — ESRC (@ESRC) May 24, 2016
#ProsperityIs reaching zero #carbon emissions in less than a decade. Can we do it?
— Rebecca Pain (@RebeccaPain) May 23, 2016
#ProsperityIs … Not needing to worry about food, housing, crime or violence .. — Ian Christie (@IanPChristie) May 19, 2016
@ProfTimJackson: “For some people, prosperity is an absolute necessity” #CUSPlaunch #ProsperityIs
— GSI (@GSI_ARU) May 23, 2016
.@CarolineLucas #ProsperityIs a higher quality of life with more fulfilling relationships #CUSPlaunch — GNH Centre Bhutan (@GNHCentreBhutan) May 23, 2016
#ProsperityIs… Enough For Everyone For Ever? @NCLSustainable @CUSP_uk
— Helen Berry (@HelenBerry14) May 23, 2016
#ProsperityIs… Having the time to fly a kite — Julie-Anne Hogbin (@JAHogbin) May 18, 2016
#ProsperityIs … a philosophical journey, not a place — @Craig_D_Rye
— CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 16, 2016
#ProsperityIs … flourishing for all within environmental limits — @ADruckman | What does prosperity mean to you? — CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 16, 2016
#ProsperityIs sand castles made by 3 generations. Making time for family, this includes pets @simon_mair @DrSueVenn
— Gemma Birkett (@GemmaBirkett1) May 16, 2016
#ProsperityIs.. not worrying about money — @Davies_Will What’s prosperity for you? — CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 17, 2016
Happiness & wellbeing for all..
~SustainableUni #NatureOfProsperity @CUSP_uk— Asitha (@sustainableuni1) May 18, 2016
#ProsperityIs a home, work, good air water & food, friends, nature, arts, purpose – for everyone; and knowing they’ll be there in future — Teresa Belton (@tbelton1) May 17, 2016
#prosperityis finding calm in a frenetic world #rubywaxsurrey
— Susan Venn (@DrSueVenn) May 17, 2016
True #ProsperityIs to discover that the ‘small things’ matter so much more than the ‘big bucks’ @CUSP_uk #postgrowth — Tobias Voss (@tbsvss) May 18, 2016
#ProsperityIs… being healthy, wealthy & wise – Moira Foster
What is prosperity to you? >>
— CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 17, 2016
We re-imagine museums for a sustainable future by fostering ‘wellbeing that doesn’t cost the Earth’ – that’s what #ProsperityIs to us. — Happy Museum (@HappyMuseum) May 16, 2016
#ProsperityIs.. being grateful for the things you have & not always aspiring to have m o r e — @GemmaBirkett1
— CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 18, 2016
From #EconomicGrowth to Growth in Wellbeing—5th @Resurgence_Mag Festival of #Wellbeing, Lon 23 Sept >> #ProsperityIs
— CUSP (@CUSP_uk) August 16, 2017
#ProsperityIs…children having a safe world to grow up in | Blog by @DrSueVenn on intergenerational learning >> #SDGs — CUSP (@CUSP_uk) July 20, 2016
#ProsperityIs #Degrowth debate The most important debate of the 21st Century?
— Sarah Phillipson (@SarahPhillipso2) July 2, 2016
#ProsperityIs … What is a sustainable & prosperous UK in 2075? @CUSP_uk @simon_mair @ADruckman workshop @CES_Surrey open day — CES at Univ. Surrey (@CES_Surrey) June 29, 2016
Head of @LeysPhysics was caught reading @ProfTimJackson in @LeysLibrary! #prosperityis #readingforpleasure @CUSP_uk
— The Leys Eco-Schools (@LeysEcoSchools) May 31, 2016
Y’day’s #CuspLaunch. Await #SUnews post… #ProsperityIs #NatureOfProsperity @CUSP_uk @JaneElliott66 @UnileverWorld — Asitha (@sustainableuni1) May 24, 2016
#ProsperityIs public money creation for sustainable development
— Positive Money (@PositiveMoneyUK) May 23, 2016
#ProsperityIs To value simplicity. — Hec (@hecworld) May 23, 2016
#SatishKumar #ProsperityIs a sense of satisfaction, of fulfilment #CUSPlaunch
— GNH Centre Bhutan (@GNHCentreBhutan) May 23, 2016
The richest countries still haven’t solved for: violence, insecurity, ignorance, poverty. So what is growth for? Satish Kumar #ProsperityIs — Mahima Sukhdev (@MahiTuna) May 23, 2016
Great dialogue @CUSP_uk launch by Rowan Williams and Satish Kumar #ProsperityIs a privilege to be here.
— Paul Druckman (@pauldruckman) May 23, 2016
.@ProfTimJackson: a new definition of prosperity is a necessity not a luxury #CUSPlaunch #ProsperityIs #sustainability — Simon Mair (@simon_mair) May 23, 2016
#ProsperityIs at #CUSPlaunch:
— Nicky L Johnston (@NickyLJohnston) May 23, 2016
Jane Elliot of @ESRC says prosperity is 3 dimensional. #ProsperityIs #CUSPlaunch — Simon Mair (@simon_mair) May 23, 2016
Prosperity is a state of being, and about having a VISION – @StreetwiseOpera #ProsperityIs
— Dr Zareen P Bharucha (@b_zareen) May 23, 2016
#prosperityis being able to stop and stare — Dr Zareen P Bharucha (@b_zareen) May 20, 2016
Prosperity requires betterment. — Alma Lopez-Aviles
Tell us what #ProsperityIs for you >>— CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 19, 2016
What does prosperity mean to you? Join our new dialogue at @cusp_uk >> #ProsperityIs — Tim Jackson (@ProfTimJackson) May 16, 2016
#ProsperityIs… equal access to good healthcare. So absolutely vital! #NatureOfProsperity
— Linda Geßner (@l_gessner) May 16, 2016
What is the meaning of prosperity? Can we achieve it? @CUSP_uk To me, #ProsperityIs … — Marit Böker (@MaritBoeker) May 17, 2016
#ProsperityIs Being treated with respect by others for your worth as a person rather than your assumed financial wealth.
— Colin Keyse (@SDChamp) May 16, 2016
A very remarkable protest for democracy from Brazil#ProsperityIS…. #art #democracy #equality #solidarity #empathy — Bronwyn Hayward (@BMHayward) May 21, 2016
Hmm, #ProsperityIs surely to be measured in terms of the whole planet & not individual or national wealth, or even wellbeing. How though?
— 3rd Sector Futures (@3dSectorFutures) May 16, 2016
#ProsperityIs… Living well without harming others. @CUSP_uk — Stephen McConnachie (@S_McCon) May 17, 2016
#ProsperityIs… Sufficiency for happiness: for us, for our children’s children, and for the world that supports us.
— CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 17, 2016
#ProsperityIs … the art of living well within the limits of the good Earth#ProsperityIs… living lightly, loving fully — Ian Christie (@IanPChristie) May 16, 2016
#ProsperityIs …? | A Research Log by @DrSueVenn, @K_Burningham, @KattSkippon and @ProfTimJackson >> #sustainableprosperity #postgrowth
— CUSP (@CUSP_uk) December 19, 2017
Imagining a prosperous UK in 2075: our #ProsperityIs workshop at @CES_Surrey open afternoon — CUSP (@CUSP_uk) June 29, 2016
#ESRCfestival of Social Science w/ #ProsperityIs workshop in Guildford now starting >>
— CUSP (@CUSP_uk) November 10, 2016
#ProsperityIs… having a voice. Stunning performance from @StreetwiseOpera at our #CUSPlaunch event >> w/ @BHRennie — Linda Geßner (@l_gessner) September 9, 2016
‘You can’t have a healthy business in an unhealthy planet. If operating long term we need to consider risks’ @Unilever #ProsperityIs
— Elle McAll (@elmcall) May 23, 2016
Tim Jackson: Culture is about how to engage in the art of living well. Same idea for our @EcocultureEssex project at Essex.#ProsperityIs — Dr Zareen P Bharucha (@b_zareen) May 23, 2016
Looking fwd to discussing what #prosperityis with @CarolineLucas and Karen Hamilton @Unilever at #CUSPlaunch today
— Tim Jackson (@ProfTimJackson) May 23, 2016
#ProsperityIs… “getting a joy from being. There’s is no prosperity without meaning, culture, making!” (S Kumar) #CUSPlaunch — CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 23, 2016
“Money is a means to an end.” Satish Kimar & #ProsperityIs more than money. #CUSPlaunch
— FinanceInnovationLab (@TheFinanceLab) May 23, 2016
#ProsperityIs enjoying inspiring quotes from Satish Kumar and Rowan Williams. Thank you @CUSP_uk for a #sustainability event that motivates — Rebecca Pain (@RebeccaPain) May 23, 2016
We need to change perception of what #prosperityis says @JaneElliott66 at CUSP event The Nature of Prosperity – from growth to 3D concept
— UKSSD (@ukssdnetwork) May 23, 2016
#ProsperityIs… Feeling physically, economically and morally secure — Roland Clift. What is prosperity for you? — CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 20, 2016
Wrt human wellbeing growth matters in poorest countries – in rich ones goals could (and should?) be different @ProfTimJackson #ProsperityIs
— UKSSD (@ukssdnetwork) May 23, 2016
#ProsperityIs being able to thrive, not just survive, and having resources and freedom to move forwards with new things and let go of others — hs_mia (@hs_mia) May 23, 2016
#ProsperityIs launching @CUSP_uk in the same place that the UN launched 70 years ago.
— Rebecca Pain (@RebeccaPain) May 23, 2016
#prosperityis .. Not shutting down the culture ministry H/T @BMHayward — Tim Jackson (@ProfTimJackson) May 22, 2016
@CUSP_uk #ProsperityIs the conditions in which people get a chance to lead a good and meaningful life.
— arch (@mappingdgraph) May 19, 2016
#ProsperityIs spending the day reacquainting yourself with forgotten crafts #bookmaking — Susan Venn (@DrSueVenn) May 21, 2016
#ProsperityIs … peace, fair shares & friendliness for all. What is prosperity for you? >>
— CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 19, 2016
Learn to be by YOURSELF first and foremost .. Then everything else will fall into place #patience #perseverance #ProsperityIs — YaYa (@MACKtheBOSSET) May 19, 2016
#ProsperityIs favoring true,personal growth & social connections. Appreciating what you have rather than chasing what sb says you need
— Patrick Elf (@PatElf_Ldn) May 18, 2016
#ProsperityIs … balancing the triple bottom line w/ personal needs. What’s your take? — CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 18, 2016
To me #ProsperityIs about equity & ecological limits: a world where enough is enough 4 everybody #NatureOfProsperity
— Simon Mair (@simon_mair) May 16, 2016
Prosperity isn’t about money or stuff – It’s about having the chance to live a happy & meaningful life #ProsperityIs — Action for Happiness (@actionhappiness) May 16, 2016
@CUSP_uk For me personally #ProsperityIs a sense of wholeness – it is a balance between different aspects of my life
— Julie-Anne Hogbin (@JAHogbin) May 16, 2016
Can economies thrive without #growth? | @ProfTimJackson on #RSARadio >> #ProsperityIs #GoodWork
— Linda Geßner (@l_gessner) June 14, 2017
This time with photo #Prosperity is @ks_school ! — Susan Venn (@DrSueVenn) July 15, 2016
Rowan Williams on the ecological dangers of a broken economic model and the need to ask what #prosperityis @CUSP_uk
— Tim Jackson (@ProfTimJackson) May 25, 2016
Imagine if ppl were proud of paying tax? We shd think of tax as the circulation of blood in the body politic – Rowan Williams #ProsperityIs — Mahima Sukhdev (@MahiTuna) May 23, 2016
#prosperityis Educational outcomes should not be assessed in terms of pay. @UKhesa has consultation now:
— NEF Wellbeing (@NEFwellbeing) May 24, 2016
Real challenge is to go from politics of efficiency to politics of sufficiency @CarolineLucas #CUSPlaunch #ProsperityIs #whatdowewantenough — UKSSD (@ukssdnetwork) May 23, 2016
For Satish Kumar, #ProsperityIs satisfaction, fulfilment, meaning – hence rests in a *cultural* revolution #cusp
— Marit Böker (@MaritBoeker) May 23, 2016
” if yr profession is different from yr vocation u shd only work 3 days/wk & 2 days for yr passion” Satish Kumar #ProsperityIs #CUSPlaunch — Francine Beleyi (@FrancineBeleyi) May 23, 2016
Satish Kumar: We do need to value “elegant simplicity.” ‘Any fool can make things more complicated’ cf Einstein. #ProsperityIs
— Dr Zareen P Bharucha (@b_zareen) May 23, 2016
#RowanWilliams #ProsperityIs rectifying injustice, seeing our interconnectedness — GNH Centre Bhutan (@GNHCentreBhutan) May 23, 2016
.@StreetwiseOpera performing to close @CUSP_uk launch. #CUSPlaunch #madambutterfly #ProsperityIs
— Simon Mair (@simon_mair) May 23, 2016
Some ideas from our collaborators about what #ProsperityIs @CUSP_uk @mscglopro @BartlettUCL — UCL IGP (@glo_pro) May 18, 2016
#ProsperityIs new thinking: intersectionality & solidarity for a new generation of progressive politics. @NZGreens
— Bronwyn Hayward (@BMHayward) May 23, 2016
#ProsperityIs drawing on your own face… @CUSP_uk — Aled Jones (@aledjones_gsi) May 19, 2016
— Kirstie Hatcher (@kirkygerkin) May 17, 2016
#ProsperityIs … a flourishing quality of life — Walter Wehrmeyer @CES_Surrey | What is your vision of prosperity? — CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 16, 2016
#Prosperityis found in the heart of our relationships
— Susan Venn (@DrSueVenn) May 16, 2016
#ProsperityIs… the art of living well on a finite planet. — CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 16, 2016
@CUSP_uk At GSI HQ, we’ve got lots of ideas about what #ProsperityIs… #officedebates What do you think?
— GSI (@GSI_ARU) May 16, 2016
#ProsperityIs.. . the freedom of the parks and commons — Ian Christie (@IanPChristie) May 16, 2016
#ProsperityIs … when shortage of money isn’t the constraint — Charles Seaford @CUSP_uk @Good_Policies #AETW
— CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 16, 2016
#ProsperityIs Money! More money!! What else? Inequality’s fine. Ecology’s fine. Tax is theft. Death? Never. Money is happiness.#justkidding — Jonathan Rowson (@Jonathan_Rowson) May 17, 2016
#ProsperityIs… room for accomplishments …to live & love sustainably. What’s your take? — CUSP (@CUSP_uk) May 17, 2016
#ProsperityIs … I would wouldn’t I 🙂 — Aled Jones (@aledjones_gsi) May 16, 2016