The Care Economy | Book launch with Tim Jackson, Michael Dixon, Sam Everington and Zoe Williams
When politicians tell us to focus on growth we need to ask: ‘Why, and for whom?’—Rowan Williams for The Guardian
Transforming the food system for health and sustainability: Unleashing social innovation through collaborative research
Ringing the Changes | CUSP Newsletter, Dec 2024
The Care Economy | By Tim Jackson
The False Economy of Big Food. And the case for a new food economy | FFCC Report by Tim Jackson
WHO non-communicable diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Pandemic resilience in sub-Saharan Africa and Low-income Countries | Journal paper
Models, Assessment and Policies for Sustainability—CUSP partnering in new EU Horizons project
A decade of outsourcing in health and social care in England: What was it meant to achieve? | Journal Paper
Health resilience and the global pandemic: the effect of social conditions on Covid-19 mortality rate | Journal paper
Neoliberalism, commercialised mindfulness and the future of psychedelics | Journal paper
Evidencing the outsourcing of social care provision in England | CUSP partnering in new research project
No wealth without health | CUSP Newsletter, February 2023
Without health there is no wealth. Why do so few governments understand this?—Guardian Opinion piece by Tim Jackson
Animation | Mental health in the context of growth-dependency and climate breakdown—Short-film animation
Advancing post-growth thinking: New CUSP research and advocacy grant from Laudes Foundation
Caring for the Carers | CUSP Newsletter, June 2022
Held to Ransom: What happens when investment firms take over UK care homes | Report and Briefing Paper
ACCESS Summer School 2022: Championing Climate and Environmental Social Science, Windsor 14-16 Sept 2022
Materialistic Value Orientation and Wellbeing | Journal paper by Helga Dittmar and Amy Isham
A critique of the marketisation of long-term residential and nursing home care | Journal Paper
Finding flow: exploring the potential for sustainable fulfilment | Journal Paper by Amy Isham and Tim Jackson
Our first wealth | CUSP Newsletter, December 2021
Crisis in Care: Follow the Money | CUSP research informing BBC Panorama investigation
Tackling predatory financial practices in the adult social care sector | Briefing note for the UK Health and Care Bill
“Two quid, chicken and chips, done”: Young people’s sense of living well in the city through the lens of fast food consumption | Journal Paper
Healthy organizations: transforming business to contribute to a sustainable society | Blog by Ben Kellard et al
Why health should replace wealth as the heart of prosperity | Blog by Tim Jackson and Julian Sheather
Wie wollen wir leben? Wege aus dem Wachstumswahn | Book launch with Tim Jackson and Barbara Unmüßig, 18 Oct 2021
Predatory financial tactics are putting the very survival of the UK care system at risk | The Guardian op-ed by Christine Corlet Walker
Tackling growth dependency—the case of adult social care | Working paper and Policy Briefing
Tackling growth dependency in the welfare system—The case of adult social care | APPG meeting, 13 July 2021
Care homes: why investment firms can be bad owners | Blog by Christine Corlet Walker
Welfare systems without economic growth | Review paper by Christine Corlet Walker, Angela Druckman and Tim Jackson
Follow the Money—how careless finance is ruining social care | Blog by Christine Corlet Walker, Tim Jackson and Angela Druckman
Post Growth — Life After Capitalism | By Tim Jackson
Careless Finance—Operational and economic fragility in adult social care | CUSP Working Paper by C Corlet Walker, A Druckman and T Jackson
Budget 2021: Five priorities for a green and fair economic recovery | APPG letter to the Chancellor, 1 Mar 2021
COVID-19 and the Economic Stories of our Time | Blog by Simon Mair
Video | A Budget for a Green recovery | APPG evidence session, 24 Feb 2021
Democracy, the Long View and Health in the light of COVID | Guest blog by John Lotherington
Economic policy and the voluntary sector: How to combat the issue of rising needs and declining resources | Guest blog by Ed Mayo
Neoliberal economics, planetary health, and the COVID-19 pandemic | The Lancet Planetary Health paper by Simon Mair
Dance, wellbeing and our professional lives: A new cross-cultural research study | Blog by Patrick Elf and Michela Vecchi
Recovering from the Pandemic: Bolstering Wellbeing with Nature | New project led by CUSP researcher Birgitta Gatersleben
Young people’s experiences with local transport and green space in seven diverse urban communities | Journal Paper
Let’s Be Less Productive—Restoring the Value of Care | Article by Tim Jackson for The New York Times
Sustainability in Healthcare | New community project with Royal Surrey County Hospital
Why we need a more critical stance on the relationship between wellbeing and productivity | Blog by Amy Isham
Wellbeing and Productivity: A Review of the Literature | Working Paper by Amy Isham, Simon Mair and Tim Jackson
Wellbeing, Care and Robots—Prospects for good work in the health and social care sector | Working Paper by A Druckman and S Mair
Green, prosperous and fair: a vision for Europe’s future | Blog by Tim Jackson
Managing a Post-Growth Economy: Circularity, Productivity and Inequality | A ‘Circular Conversation’ w Tim Jackson
Paradise Lost?—Existential anxiety and the iron cage of consumerism | Blog by Tim Jackson
The Future of Work—Lessons from the History of Utopian Thought | Working Paper by A Druckman, S Mair and T Jackson
The Post-Growth Challenge — Secular Stagnation, Inequality and the Limits to Growth | Working Paper by Tim Jackson
Confronting inequality: basic income and the right to work | Blog by Tim Jackson
Dance Me to the End of Love—An Economics for Tomorrow | Guest blog by Alan Simpson
Social Limits To Growth – Lessons for a post-crash economy | Blog by Caroline Lucas and Tim Jackson
The future of jobs: is decent work for all a pipe dream? | Blog by Tim Jackson
Prosperity without Growth—Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow | By Tim Jackson
Who is clearing up the ‘mess’ at ‘home’? A feminist response to Roger Scruton | by Malaika Cunningham
Integrating Health and Environment | NCSE conference with Tim Jackson
An economy that works | Blog by Tim Jackson
Beyond Consumer Capitalism – Foundations for Sustainable Prosperity | Working Paper by Tim Jackson
Care, Craft and Creativity: Towards the Economy of Tomorrow | Resurgence 50 w/ Tim Jackson
Towards a sustainable prosperity | Blog by Tim Jackson