Video | How can we build back better after COVID? | Panel discussion w/ Tim Jackson, Mariana Mazzucato, Michael Marmot and David King
Resources, Financial Risk and the Dynamics of Growth | By Roberto Pasqualino and Aled Jones
Finance for a future of sustainable prosperity | Journal Paper by A Jones, N Taylor, S Hafner and J Kitchen
Video | Divestment: Economic, Historical, and Moral Perspectives | Panel with Tim Jackson, Fiona Harvey and Rowan Williams
Why Cleantech Investment Should be a High Priority Now and after COVID-19 | Blog by Robyn Owen and Theresia Harrer
Video: Will Endless Economic Growth End Us? | Peter Victor in TVO debate with Steve Paikin
Early Stage Investing in Green SMEs: The Case of the UK | Journal paper by Robyn Owen et al
Cents and nonsense: A critical appraisal of the monetary valuation of nature | Journal Paper by Peter Victor
Podcast | How to build a sustainable financial system | Lecture by Nick Robins
What progress do we want? | Tim Jackson at Parliament for the Future, OECD 22 Jan 2020
Is growth an illusion? | Deutsche Bank hosting event programme at #wef2020 in Davos to discuss the post-growth challenge
Closing the green finance gap—A systems perspective | Journal Paper by Sarah Hafner et al
Climate risk reporting: an essential tool for a net zero and resilient economy | Blog by Nick Molho
Managing climate risk: Next steps for UK government, investors and businesses | Policy Briefing
Harnessing SME Innovation and Tackling Climate Change: Why Regional Finance Matters
Whose Risk? Whose Responsibility? The Politics and Financialisation of Uncertainty | Blog by Nick Taylor
“All Models are Wrong”—The challenge of modelling ‘deep decarbonisation’ | Working Paper by Tim Jackson
Financing Green Innovative SMEs: Regional Perspectives | Conference, Birmingham 27 Sept 2019
Zero Carbon Sooner—The case for an early zero carbon target for the UK | Working Paper by Tim Jackson
A shift in temperature—the financial challenge of a zero carbon economy | Blog by Tim Jackson and Andrew Jackson
TRansit | New project developing a novel macroeconomic model of ‘transition risk’
‘Whatever it takes’—the new economics of system change | Blog by Tim Jackson
Finding the $500 billion | Blog by Aled Jones and Sarah Hafner
Barriers to Investment in Climate Change Solutions—A Scoping Review | Sarah Hafner, Olivia James and Aled Jones
What do the Green New Deal and National Bank mean for the UK’s Innovative Green SMEs? | Call for Papers
Actuaries and the low carbon transition | CUSP at American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, 3 April 2019
Circular economy must remain a priority for Europe beyond the 2019 elections | Blog by Nick Molho
Podcast | The Burning Question | BBC World Service Debate w Tim Jackson and Michael Liebreich
Video | System Error—Award-winning documentary w Tim Jackson investigating the paradigm of ‘economic growth’
Investment for a sustainable and inclusive economy—Proposed changes to UK law | Report
The subprime financial crisis—10 years after: Was Hyman Minsky a post-Keynesian economist? | Lecture by Marc Lavoie, London 11 Dec 2018
A government is not a household | Blog by Frank van Lerven and Andrew Jackson
Which financial architecture can protect environmental commons? | Article by Nick Molho and Tim Jackson
Video | The Dilemma of Growth—Panel debate w CUSP Director Tim Jackson and Deutsche Bank Chief Economist David Folkerts-Landau
First Post-Growth Conference at EU parliament, Brussels 18-20 Sept 2018
Can the financial system work for the economy, people & the planet? | Lecture by Nick Silver
CUSP shortlisted for 2018 ICAEW/A4S Finance For The Future Award
Monetising nature: a metaphor too far? | Blog by Aled Jones
Against all odds? Modelling the low-carbon transition | Blog by Martin Sers
The Energy-Emissions Trap | Journal Paper by Martin Sers and Peter Victor
T h i s is not all there is: Thinking utopias as ideas and practices | Blog by Will Davies
Filling the finance gap for early stage green innovations | Blog by Fergus Lyon
The role of government policy in financing early stage green innovation | Journal Paper by R Owen, G Brennan and F Lyon
Towards the New Normal — How to Increase Investment in the UK’s Green Infrastructure | Report
Green Shoots from the Green Investment Bank, or a lost opportunity? | Blog by Fergus Lyon
Towards the New Normal | Report Launch, 12 March 2018
Green infrastructure: the landscape of sustainability | Guest blog by Michael Wilkins
Green Finance | Alex White giving evidence to EAC, 16 January 2018
Prosperity on a finite planet | #CongresoFuturo2018 with Tim Jackson
Closing the Gaps Between Finance and Sustainability | FINEXUS conference w Sarah Hafner and Roberto Pasqualino
Finance in the Anthropocene | Blog by Nick Taylor
Could the investment system contribute to sustainable prosperity? | Blog by Charles Seaford
This new world—Reframing the distribution of rewards | Huffington Post Blog by Tim Jackson
Money might grow on trees: Investing in natural capital to improve resilience | Blog by Alex White
Financial institutions and the fiduciary duty | A roundtable for businesses
Better disclosure, better returns | Blog by Alex White
Early stage investing into sustainable green SMEs | CUSP session at SME finance conference, 20 June
A competitive economy needs an ambitious low carbon policy | Blog by Nick Molho
Seeking a sustainable finance plan for the UK | Blog by Alex White
Prosperity without Growth—Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow | By Tim Jackson
Assessing asset manager performance—Evolving new techniques | A Roundtable for Industry Professionals
Investing in the economy of tomorrow | Blog by Tim Jackson
Understanding investment for sustainable prosperity — breaking down the silos | Blog by Fergus Lyon
Beyond Consumer Capitalism – Foundations for Sustainable Prosperity | Working Paper by Tim Jackson
Understanding Sustainable Prosperity – Towards a transdisciplinary research agenda | Working Paper by T Jackson et al
Asset owners and a capital market that works | A Roundtable for Businesses
Towards a sustainable prosperity | Blog by Tim Jackson
Debt, Growth and Sustainability | CUSP Lecture by Adair Turner
Does credit create a growth imperative?—Financial Assets and Liabilities in a Stock-Flow consistent framework | Tim Jackson and Peter Victor