Sarah Hafner

Dr Sarah Hafner


Sarah Hafner recently completed a doctorate with CUSP at Anglia Ruskin University, as part of our System Dynamics theme investigating policies that aim to ‘green’ the UK energy supply, and creating a system dynamics model of the UK economy to consider their macroeconomic and socioeconomic implications of policy.

Sarah joined CUSP in 2016, prior to this she completed a Masters in System Dynamics in Norway, where her thesis focused on the role of technological change on costs to businesses (abatement costs) for greenhouse gas mitigation. This research problem was addressed through building and comparing two system dynamics models; one representing technological change, and one excluding it.

Sarah has a Masters degree in Economics, and worked for two years as a researcher at the Swiss Statistical Office, where she was part of the internal review team for the Consumer Price Index.

In addition to investigating the UK energy supply sector, Sarah’s PhD analysed the implication of certain assumptions of neoclassical economic theory on policy formation, such as the notion of equilibrium, or rational agents. She is employed as a Policy Advisor / Economist at the Federal Office for the Environment (Switzerland).

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