Clare Saunders


Prof Clare Saunders

University of Exeter


Clare Saunders is a Professor in Environmental Politics at the Environment and Sustainability Institute, at the University of Exeter Penryn Campus. She is an interdisciplinary environmental social scientist who tries to focus her work on ways to try make the world a better place for people and ecosystems. She works with colleagues across a range of disciplines from engineering and geography through to bioscience and fashion / textiles. Her recent projects include POLPART, which is all about how and why people participate in politics and S4S: Designing a Sensibility for Sustainable Clothing project.

Work w/ CUSP

Clare’s current work with CUSP is in collaboration with Brian Doherty and Graeme Hayes, analysing protest survey data collected at Extinction Rebellion protests.

Recent Publications

McDonald (forthcoming). ‘From Conflict to Bridges: Towards Constructive Use of Conflict Frames in the Control of Bovine Tuberculosis’ Sociologia Ruralis.

Silke Roth & Clare Saunders (forthcoming). ‘Do Gender Regimes Matter? Gender Differences in Involvement in Anti-Austerity Protests – A Comparison of Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom’, Social Movement Studies, online first:

Clare Saunders (2020). ‘Climate change protesters in Britain: Political ecologists, or something else?’, in Brendan Prendiville and David Haigron (eds) Political Ecology in Britain, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars.

Clare Saunders & Bert Klandermans (eds) 2020. When Citizens Talk Politics, Routledge.

Will Jennings & Clare Saunders (2019). ‘Street Demonstrations and the Media Agenda: An Analysis of the Dynamics of Protest Agenda-Setting’. Comparative Political Studies, online first:

Roth Silke & Clare Saunders 2019. ‘Gender Differences in Political Participation: Comparing Street Demonstrators in Sweden and the United Kingdom’, Sociology, 53(3), 571-589.

Clare Saunders & Roth S 2019. ‘NGOs and Social Movement Theory’. In Davies T (Ed) Routledge Handbook of NGOs and International Relations, London: Routledge.

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