The Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP) is a cutting-edge research organisation core-funded by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council and the Laudes Foundation. Directed by Prof Tim Jackson and Prof Kate Burningham at the University of Surrey, it takes the form of a rich international network, drawing together expert partners from academic and non-academic institutions as co-producers of the work programme.

Our guiding vision for sustainable prosperity is one in which people everywhere have the capability to flourish as human beings—within the ecological and resource constraints of a finite planet. A prosperous society is concerned not only with income and financial wealth, but also with the health and wellbeing of its citizens, with their access to good quality education, and with their prospects for decent and rewarding work. Prosperity enables basic individual rights and freedoms. But it must also deliver the ability for people to participate meaningfully in common projects. Ultimately, prosperity must offer society a credible and inclusive vision of social progress. The over-arching goal of CUSP is to contribute to that essential task.
Research Partners
Our team comprises researchers from academic and non-academic institutions as co-producers of the work programme. We are widening our research collaboration through an international network of CUSP fellows hailing from a variety of backgrounds. The overall CUSP programme is accompanied by an international Advisory Committee, strengthening the broad intellectual range of our work. An overview of the co-investigator institutions can be accessed on the partners page.
Cross-Party Dialogue
CUSP is acting as the secretariat for the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Limits to Growth. The APPG provides a platform for cross-party dialogue on shared and lasting prosperity in a world of environmental, social and economic limits. It aims to contribute to a growing international debate on redefining prosperity and developing new measures of progress. The APPG is chaired by Caroline Lucas MP, and its membership is drawn from both Houses and all main political parties.
Interdisciplinary Research
The CUSP work programme is organised around five core themes: (M)eanings and moral framings of the good life; the role of the (A)rts and culture in delivering prosperity; (P)olitical and organisational dimensions of sustainable prosperity; (S)ocial and psychological understandings of the good life; and (S)ystems analysis to explore narratives of sustainable prosperity. The findings of our MAPSS research themes are drawn together through a rich portfolio of engagement across business, government and civil society. Detailed information about our research programme can be accessed through our Projects page.
Network Memberships
CUSP is partner in a variety of international networks, including the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll), the UK Universities Climate Network, the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), the Post Growth Alliance, the Green Economy Coalition (GEC), the Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education (EAUC), and the Earth4All initiative.
With a team of over 50 people, CUSP is a busy research centre, engaged in a variety of projects. We produce working papers, journal articles, blogs and public events, we respond to government enquiries, commission essays, and contribute to the publication of books. CUSP is also involved in numerous research cooperations with other institutions. On our news page you’ll find updates from the various engagements of the centre. If you’re looking for publications specifically, please see our publications page. Short reads can be found on our blog.
CUSP headquarters are based at the University of Surrey. If you have feedback or would like to get further information about our work, please contact us at info@cusp.ac.uk.
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