Call for participants
ACCESS Summer School 2022: Championing Climate and Environmental Social Science
Cumberland Lodge, Berkshire UK; 14-16 September 2022. Closing date for applications is 14 June 2022.
The newly funded ACCESS network is inviting applications to participate in the first ACCESS Summer School—the focus of which will be on learning to communicate your research beyond academia.
ACCESS (Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environment Social Science) is a 5-year programme of work, funded by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council, which aims to champion and coordinate social science to address key environmental challenges spanning biodiversity, sustainability and decarbonisation. As partners in this network, we are excited to invite applications from PhD Researchers and Early Career Researchers to participate in the first residential summer school, which will take place 14-16 September 2022 at Cumberland Lodge, Berkshire, UK.
This year’s ACCESS Summer School will provide interactive training in communicating climate and environmental social science for impact beyond academia (i.e., with policymakers, media, and publics). It will also offer opportunities for relaxed interdisciplinary networking.
Attendance will cost £480. This includes accommodation for two nights at Cumberland Lodge, as well as meals and refreshments for the 3 days of the Summer School. Participants will need to cover their own travel costs.
Eligibility for Attendance
Attendance is open to PhD Researchers and Early Career Researchers:
- If PhD – you will be at least 24 months into programme (pro-rata for part-time applicants)
- If ECR – you will be a maximum of 24 months post-PhD (pro-rata for part-time applicants)
You can be from any discipline, but your research must be focused on environmental social science. This might include (but is not limited to) work in the areas of decarbonisation, sustainable development, biodiversity, land management, nature engagement, transport, and sustainable consumption.
ACCESS is committed to advancing equality, diversity and inclusion in climate and environmental social science and we recognise that many groups are under-represented in our disciplines. We actively welcome applicants from a diverse range of backgrounds and those who may require additional support to enable participation.
Spaces are limited, so please apply using this link: https://bit.ly/ACCESS-summer-school-apply-2022. Applications must be received by 23:59 GMT on Tuesday 14th June 2022. For enquiries, please email Prof Kate Burningham at k.burningham@surrey.ac.uk.
Eligibility for Financial Support
ACCESS is offering a limited number of fully-funded places (i.e., the network will cover the cost of attendance at £480, but not travel costs) to support those with limited financial means to attend. If you wish to apply for financial support, please provide supporting details in this separate application form → https://bit.ly/ACCESS- summer-school-funding-2022