Lecture by Prof Tim Jackson at University of Canterbury, NZ
Christchurch NZ, 17 February 2017

It is not often that an economics text becomes a best-seller, but when it was first published in 2009, Prof Tim Jackon’s Prosperity without Growth did just that. Jackon’s widely acclaimed challenge to conventional economics questioned the assumption of continued pursuit of economic growth and demonstrated that alternative more sustainable development paths are possible.

Seven years later, on the occasion of the launch of the revised 2nd edition of Prosperity without Growth, Tim Jackson will give a lecture at University of Canterbury. The CUSP Director will discuss how much has changed in our new political and economic reality, and ask what we mean by a ‘post-growth’ economy? How can we live well in a finite planet?

The event is jointly hosted with the University of Canterbury’s Civic Imagination and Sustainable Citizenship Research Group, and forms part of a series of events in New Zealand following his Hillary Award in 2016. For tickets, please visit the University of Canterbury website.


The Piano Centre
Philip Carter Family Auditorium
156 Armagh Street
Christchurch, NZ


Friday, 17 February 2017


For further details, please contact Lea Kortman.