Treasury consultation on the National Infrastructure Commission
Written response by the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity
Submitted on 16 March 2016

The Treasury has recently been consulting on its proposals for the National Infrastructure Commission, set up to make recommendations to the Government about the future of the UK’s transport system, power stations, water supply and other major infrastructure. Its recommendations will have an enormous influence on the environment and the prospects for sustainable prosperity.
CUSP has sent in its own response to the consultation document, drawing attention to the document’s failure to highlight climate change. The need to adapt to climate change and deal with flood risk, as well as the need to restrain the UK’s carbon emissions, are both crucial factors for any long-term planning for infrastructure. However there appears to be no recognition from the Treasury of the importance of these issues. CUSP believes that sustainability considerations should be at the heart of any plans for new infrastructure.
A summary of the public consultation will be made available soon on the Government website. CUSP’s response can be accessed in pdf. For further details about our submission, please contact Victor Anderson.