National Infrastructure Assessment: Methodology Consultation | Evidence Submission
Evidence by the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity
Submitted on 25 July 2016

On 26 May 2016, the National Infrastructure Commission published a consultation on the process and methodology for putting together the UK’s first National Infrastructure Assessment. CUSP responded.
The methodology for carrying out the National Infrastructure Assessment is a crucial concern for anyone concerned with the achievement of sustainable development in the UK, we find. The proposals, however, set out in the consultation document do not fully take that on board. Infrastructure development in this country has been subject (as the document states) to a “fragile and incomplete political consensus.”
The achievement of such a consensus is largely dependent on the taking into account of environmental factors, which are often the basis for successful and/or widely supported objections to infrastructure development proposals.
You can read our full response in pdf. For further details about our submission, please contact Victor Anderson.
Related Links
- NIC Consultation Document (May 2016)
- NIC Policy Report: National Infrastructure Assessment Consultation Response (Oct 2016)
- You can find other CUSP evidence submissions on our publications page