SME Finance for Building Back Better
Online, two afternoons, conference organised by the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Entrepreneurial Finance Special Interest Group, Middlesex University and CUSP.
The COVID-19 Pandemic has dramatically reduced SME performance and the supply of private finance for SMEs in the UK and Globally.
British Business Bank data demonstrates a massive £75bn take-up of Government emergency COVID and Future Funds in 2020. Questions arise as to what impacts these funds have made and how best to finance and support SME economic recovery to build back better, greener and in a more just way?
Confirmed speakers
Professor Marc Cowling, University of Derby, – Green Investment Bonds as a Potential Local Funding Alternative
Dr Ciaran Mac am Bhaird & Dr Sean O’Reilly – Do firms with patents attract more Crowdfunding
Dr Yannis Pierrakis, Kingston University – Accelerating green ventures: an exploration of how young environmental ventures signal a green light to their accelerator investors
Dr Robyn Owen, Middlesex University & CUSP – Lessons from Government Venture Capital Funds to Enable Transition to a Low Carbon Economy: The UK Case
Dr Patrick Elf, Middlesex University & CUSP – Financing sustainable entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystems in Brazil: Examining the role of keystone actors
Nishanth Bhimireddy, Polytechnica Barcelona – Social media sentiment analysis and initial coin offerings (ICOs)
Theresa Harrer, Middlesex University & CUSP – Green Business Model Development of SMEs: Evidence from an Early-stage Cleantech Financing context
Sally Wang, Middlesex University – Exploring the perceived gap in rural, community based social enterprise financing: the case of Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR)
Tom Britton, CEO SyndicateRoom – Addressing the Needs of Impact Investment
1 and 2 June 2021
The event is free of charge. You can register your seat via Eventbrite. For further information about speaker participation, please contact Dr Robyn Owen: r.owen@mdx.ac.uk. Please email p.macaulay@mdx.ac.uk for any registration enquiries.