Devolution, Brexit and the SDGs
Workshop with Aled Jones | UKSSD Annual Conference
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
This session at the 2017 UKSSD Annual Conference will focus on the evolution of governance within the UK with the movement of power back to London from Brussels and the movement of power away from London to the regions. The changes implied by Brexit and devolution going in tandem are profound and far reaching and the implementation of policy to support the SDGs is a vital part of this.
For example, how will environment policy, currently predominantly presiding within the European Commission, be managed within the UK with a call to strengthen Westminster as well as devolve regionally specific actions to new devolved regions and combined authorities. The session is supported by the ESRC Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP) and Sustainability East (the regional SD champion for the East of England).
UK Stakeholders for Sustainable Development (UKSSD) is an open platform that supports public, private and voluntary organisations working towards sustainable development in the UK. This year’s annual conference is organised with a focus on “Unlocking the UK’s potential: From ambition to transformation”. The event is free to attend, registration is essential. For a detailed conference agenda, please see the conference programme.
Chartered Accountants Hall,
1 Moorgate Pl
London EC2R 6EA
For further details, please contact Prof Aled Jones.