Exploring External Finance links to ‘build back better’ a Green UK SME Economy
ERC research paper by Robyn Owen, Suman Lodh, Sergei Plekhanov and Osman Anwar
June 2022

This paper for the Enterprise Research Centre (ERC) by CUSP researcher Robyn Owen and colleagues outlines key findings and policy implications from research exploring the link between external finance and SMEs becoming ‘green’ or having a ‘green mission’ and adopting energy efficiency practices.
The research was based on econometric analysis of data from the Longitudinal Small Business Survey (LSBS survey 2020, 2019 and 2017 waves), and builds on Cowling and Lui’s (2021) work on Access to Finance for Cleantech Innovation amongst UK SMEs.
‘Green mission’ refers to self-reported importance of environmental issues and goals for SMEs. Improving energy efficiency refers to taking actions in the 12 months prior to the survey (e.g., installing a smart meter, improving insulation). The focus of the analysis was on identifying characteristics that were linked with a higher likelihood of being ‘green’.
The paper—including a briefing—is available in open access format via the ERC website. If you have difficulties accessing the paper, please get in touch: info@cusp.ac.uk.
Owen R, Lodh S, Plekhanov S and Osman Anwar 2022. Exploring External Finance links to Build Back Better a Green UK SME Economy. ERC Research paper No 99. https://www.enterpriseresearch.ac.uk/publications/exploring-external-finance-links-to-build-back-better-a-green-uk-sme-economy/