Dress in protest—exploring how sustainable fashion solutions can be a force for good
Fashion is omnipresent. It can be useful in many ways, warming and protecting us when needed and communicating who we are or want to be. There is also no doubt that the fashion industry is of great economic importance. However, it is widely claimed that the fashion sector is the second most polluting industry just after oil.
At CUSP, we are looking how there can be alternatives that allow people to live well while sustaining the planet. Further work in collaboration with the Centre for Sustainable Fashion is looking the role of those designers that are developing alternatives for meaningful transition. Likewise there are innovations emerging in Brazil that can point to new forms of sustainable fashion.
During this half-day event we will foster knowledge exchange across the Atlantic between Brazil and UK by exploring how sustainable fashion can become a force for good. For example, can concepts such as the circular economy improve the fashion sector enough to become truly sustainable, or does the sector need to radically change?
Those are pertinent questions since sustainable fashion is attracting more and more attention. Politically however the resistance to change is strong. In the UK for example a ‘penny-tax’ was recently rejected that would have forced fashion producers to contribute a small charge benefiting better recycling methods. In the case of Pernambuco, the second biggest fashion producer of Brazil, evidence of the negative impact on the environment of unsustainable fashion is growing. How can these obstacles be tackled?
In this event, we will explore how fashion can finally become sustainable, learning from what is already happening on both sides of the Atlantic, and building collaborations that can overcome existing barriers.
Guest speakers are:
- Patrick Elf—Research Fellow at CUSP/CEEDR
- Beatriz Luz—Founding Director at Exchange 4 Change
- Marcos Queiroz—Director at Refazenda
- Flávio Amorim Gomes de Araújo—Havaianas/Alpargatas
- Victoria Santos—SENAI
The event is free to attend. Light refreshments will be provided. The seminar will be conducted in Portuguese.
A moda é onipresente. Pode ser útil de várias maneiras, aquecendo e protegendo-nos quando necessário e comunicando quem somos ou queremos ser. Também não há dúvidas de que a indústria da moda é de grande importância econômica. No entanto, é amplamente afirmado que o setor da moda é a segunda indústria mais poluente logo após o petróleo.
No Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP), estamos analisando como pode haver alternativas que permitam às pessoas viver bem enquanto sustentam o planeta. Trabalhos futuros em colaboração com o Centre for Sustainable Fashion estão analisando o papel daqueles designers que estão desenvolvendo alternativas para uma transição significativa. Da mesma forma, existem inovações inovadoras no Brasil que podem apontar para novas formas de moda sustentável.
Durante esse evento de meio dia, promoveremos o intercâmbio de conhecimentos através do Atlântico entre o Brasil e o Reino Unido, explorando como a moda sustentável pode se tornar uma força para o bem. Por exemplo, conceitos como o da economia circular podem melhorar o setor da moda o suficiente para se tornar verdadeiramente sustentável ou o setor precisa mudar radicalmente?
Essas são questões pertinentes, pois a moda sustentável tem atraido mais atenção nos ultimos anos. No Reino Unido, recentemente foi recusado um “imposto de um centavo” que forçaria o produtor de moda a contribuir com uma pequena taxa beneficiando melhores métodos de reciclagem. No caso de Pernambuco, como o segundo maior produtor de moda do Brasil, está crescendo a evidência do impacto negativo no ambiente de moda insustentável.
Vamos explorar o que precisa acontecer para que a moda finalmente se torne sustentável, o que já está acontecendo nos dois lados do Atlântico e como as colaborações podem superar as barreiras existentes.
Os oradores convidados são:
- Patrick Elf—Research Fellow at CUSP/CEEDR
- Beatriz Luz—Diretora fundador na Exchange 4 Change
- Marcos Queiroz—Diretor na Refazenda
- Flávio Amorim Gomes de Araújo—Havaianas/Alpargatas
- Victoria Santos—SENAI
O evento é gratuito para participar. Sera oferecida alimentacao. O seminário será realizado em português.
A packed room at @porto_digital full of fascinating discussions between @cetiqtsenaibr, @econcircularbr, Refazenda, @havaianasBR & @CEEDRmdx / @CUSP_uk exploring how fashion can become more sustainable and a force for food #sustainablefashion #sustainableprosperity pic.twitter.com/NcpXbYO6qb
— Patrick Elf (@PatElf_Ldn) March 5, 2020
Mariana Doria from @cetiqtsenaibr showcasing what role #techinnovationand the #circulareconomy can/will play in the transition towards more #sustainablefashion. pic.twitter.com/x7xF1Hrp0f
— Patrick Elf (@PatElf_Ldn) March 5, 2020
Today I had the great pleasure to share the stage with industry experts who are working on #sustainablefashion in Brazil to foster the #knowledgeexchange between the UK and Brazil. Thanks so much for all your input. #modasustentavel @CEEDRmdx @CUSP_uk pic.twitter.com/hKbB6XRSPp
— Patrick Elf (@PatElf_Ldn) March 4, 2020
Marcos Queiroz from Refazenda at @CUSP_uk / @CEEDRmdx‘s #DressInProtest event telling their beautiful story how their vision to become #sustainablefashion brand emerged 30y ago & how they are trying to innovate today. Impressive example showing where commitment can take you! pic.twitter.com/cJ9PiDfqt4
— Patrick Elf (@PatElf_Ldn) March 5, 2020
Beatriz Luz from @econcircularbr @ @CUSP_uk / @CEEDRmdx #DressInProtest event at @porto_digital in #Recife with an insightful presentation on how the #circulareconomy can help to make #sustainablefashion a reality pic.twitter.com/CVvP8VgHTE
— Patrick Elf (@PatElf_Ldn) March 5, 2020
Junte-se a nós no dia 4 de março para um evento no coração de #Recife Antigo junto com @econcircularbr, Refazenda, @havaianas e @cetiqtsenaibr discutindo #modasustentável.
Para se registrar clique no link abaixo:https://t.co/MA7V70jeAL pic.twitter.com/kjVKc21TDr
— Patrick Elf (@PatElf_Ldn) February 13, 2020
Rua do Apolo 235
Porto Digital
Recife, Brazil
Wednesday, 4 March 2020
The event is free of charge. Please get in touch with Patrick Elf, if you would like to attend; or book your seat directly via Sympla.