Rethinking the Green Economy | Podium discussion with Tim Jackson
Tim Jackson joining panel at “Inside the Green Economy” book launch (w/ online live stream)
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Berlin, 19 September 2016
The Green Economy’s present concepts are insufficiently dealing with the immense tasks at hand, a new book published by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung argues, “the search for economic and societal models that respect our planetary boundaries … and provide an equitable, liveable future for all” must reach further than soothing promises of keeping the status quo.
At this book launch event in Berlin, Tim Jackson is joining a panel with the authors, discussing the economics for a world within limits. Other panellists are Gerhard Schick, Barbara Unmüßig, Lili Fuhr and Thomas Fatheuer. The event is facilitated by Petra Pinzler.
The video recording from the event can be accessed below. For further details and background, please visit the Böll-Stiftung’s website.