Imagining life after capitalism | Radio NZ programme with Tim Jackson
Tim Jackson speaking to Kim Hill about the urgency of the post-growth challenge
28 January 2023

CUSP director Tim Jackson was invited onto the Radio New Zealand Saturday Morning programme with Kim Hill, to discuss post-growth economics, staggering inequalities legitimated by the trickle-down ideology, and the motivation for his most recent book Post Growth—life after capitalism.
A timely interview right in the eye of a storm—literally as Auckland was overwhelmed with heavy rain and figuratively as a local debate picks up about the risks and implications of Christchurch building a new airport.
Politicians remain wedded to growth as the solution to all problems. But that growth has gone, Tim Jackson argues. We’re already living in a kind of post-growth economy. And we haven’t figured out how to make that work.
The full episode is available via the Radio NZ website.