Is economic growth compatible with solving climate change?
Tim Jackson in conversation with Zeke Hausfather from Breakthrough Institute; hosted by The World, a US public radio program “that crosses borders and time zones to bring home the stories that matter.”
First aired on 30 April 2021

From the The World programme’s website:
Can an economy grow and curb climate emissions? That’s the dual feat that President Joe Biden is trying to accomplish. Economists and environmentalists are split on this question. Some argue that growth needs to slow in order to protect the planet. There’s no way around that. Others argue that smart growth, fueled by renewable energy, can allow economies to continue to grow and not do further damage to the planet. The World’s host Marco Werman discusses this with climate scientist Zeke Hausfather at The Breakthrough Institute in California, and ecological economist Tim Jackson at the University of Surrey whose book, “Post Growth: Life After Capitalism,” comes out end of May.
You can listen to the podcast on the website. The audio stream is also embedded below.
Had a good discussion today on @TheWorld with @ProfTimJackson about the extent to which we can both have economic growth and mitigate climate change.
Lets dig into the debate in a quick thread: 1/18
— Zeke Hausfather (@hausfath) April 30, 2021
We all agree that rapid absolute #decoupling of emissions (not to mention impacts on #biodiversity etc) is necessary. And possible. By investing in cleaner technology #renewables #efficiency #circulareconomy #greennewdeal @AOC 2/7
— Tim Jackson (@ProfTimJackson) May 2, 2021
It seems we also agree that economic growth in the so-called ‘advanced’ economies is slowing down and must eventually come to an end. Good to hear @hausfath, @TheBTI, acknowledge that crucial point #secularstagnation 4/7
— Tim Jackson (@ProfTimJackson) May 2, 2021
The reality is that point may already be here. Labour productivity growth across @OECD has been in decline since the 1960s and in some countries was hovering close to zero before the pandemic struck…. 5/7
— Tim Jackson (@ProfTimJackson) May 2, 2021
But letting go of growth allows us to focus on what matters. Beyond relentless growth lies a better world where #prosperity is about health, relationship and meaning.. @POTUS’s $3tr stimulus could build an #economyofcare for people and planet 7/7
— Tim Jackson (@ProfTimJackson) May 2, 2021