Solidarity, Antagonistic Economies and Social Enterprises: Spaces for New Initiatives
Seminar w Peter North and Maria Daskalaki
Wednesday, 20 March 2019
This seminar brings together two cutting edge thinkers on the link between sustainability transformation and alternative forms of economic organisation, Prof Peter North and Prof Maria Daskalaki. Jointly hosted with the Alternative Organisations and Transformative Practices Research Cluster, we’ll be discussing the pros and cons of social enterprise, the social and solidarity economy, and how Polanyi’s three fictitious factors of capital can help us to better understand what North calls the ‘antagonistic economy’, set out to challenging (particularly Anglo-Saxon) neoliberalism’s malignant effects on people and planet.
In a second part, we’ll be reflecting in particular on solidarity economy initiatives that emerged in response to the Global Financial crisis of 2008—as instances of community organising and sites for the co-production of ideas, knowledge, practices and resources. The aim is to explore their capacity to constitute practices with transformative potential for ethical and sustainable organising. Learning from examples in post-crisis Greece, we are looking at the processes and outcomes of transformative responses, enquiring: How do alternative organisational forms of enterprise challenge dominant discourses of economic growth, consumerism and neoliberalism—understood to be at the core of an unsustainable society? How can we co-produce collective practices and collective values for the provision of the basic needs of everyday life? Do such values lead to ethical forms of organising and if so, are they sustainable?
Peter North is Professor of Alternative Economies at the University of Liverpool. His research focuses social movements engaged in struggles about the implications of anthropogenic climate change and resource constraints for both humans and the wider ecosystems upon which we depend, and social and solidarity economies as tools for rethinking alternative geographies of money, entrepreneurship, and livelihoods.
Maria Daskalaki is a Professor of Organization Studies at Roehampton Business School, University of Roehampton, London. She currently leads an interdisciplinary research project on the crisis of neoliberal capitalism, focusing on alternative forms of organizing, space, mobilities and urban social movements, feminist activism and post-work futures. Her work is published in a range of peer-reviewed journals including Human Relations, Organization Studies, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Management Inquiry, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research and International Journal of HRM.
College Building
Room C207
Middlesex University
London NW4 4BT
All are welcome, please use the eventbrite page to register your place. For further details, please contact Pamela Macaulay.