CUSP director Tim Jackson was appointed expert to the EESC rapporteur to assist in drawing up the European Economic and Social Committee’s opinion on The sustainable economy we need—exploring new economic models and investment decisions.
This opinion is being developed upon initiative of the EESC, in the context of its Sustainable Development Observatory (SDO). It is an opportunity for the EESC to consider economic aspects of sustainable development and to define what “the sustainable economy we want” should look like.
A public hearing is taking place on the 11 June 2019 in Brussels, and Tim Jackson will be giving a keynote presentation. The public hearing will highlight the challenges by analysing the current situation as well as starting a debate with various stakeholders from civil society, academia and public institutions on a possible vision for an economy that works for all. Registrations are open until the 6 June 2019. More details can be found on the EESC website.
2019 Civil Society Days
In addition to the hearing, and as part of the EESC Civil Society Days, Tim Jackson will be opening a workshop on the 12th of June, called Transitioning to an economy for people and planet. Registrations for this event close on 5 June.
The EESC is part of the EU Institutional infrastructure and represents the voice of organised civil society. It works primarily via providing opinions on matters of interest for the EU. Over the last few years the EESC has stepped up its role as a forum for the civil society stakeholders and public institutions aiming at bringing the EU closer to the people.