Thinking our way through Crisis: A participatory roundtable session
Sub-theme at the 2021 ISEE/ESEE/Degrowth conference in Manchester, 7 July 2021
The ecological crisis will force us to change many aspects of our lives. Degrowth and ecological economics researchers explore many of these changes. However, one area which has received relatively little attention is the effects of the crisis on the research process itself.
The objective of this session is to start a conversation about how our efforts to address the ecological crisis through our research impact our choice of audience and the way in which we form arguments. Specifically, this session will focus on the concept of ‘critique’ in research and activism.
The session will begin with a presentation by Dr Anastasia Loukianov about how the concept of ‘critique’ relates to her research technique (phenomenological hermeneutics). The rest of the session will involve a roundtable discussion on the way in which we as research or activists engage in criticism and the way that our critiques are shaped by the ecological crisis.
All sessions at the 2020 Degrowth conference are available online and are free to attend.
For further detail please see the conference website: www.isee-esee-degrowth2021.net.
Wednesday, 7 July 2021
3.30-5pm (BST)
The conference stream is led by CUSP researchers Ben Gallant, Simon Mair and Anastasia Loukianov. If you have any question about this theme, please contact Ben Gallant b.n.gallant@surrey.ac.uk. for further details, please see the conference website.