The subprime financial crisis—10 years after: Was Hyman Minsky a post-Keynesian economist? | Lecture by Marc Lavoie, London 11 Dec 2018
Giorgos Kallis’ Degrowth | A review by Sarah Hafner
How the light gets in—The science behind growth scepticism | Blog by Tim Jackson
Beyond Redistribution—Confronting inequality in an era of low growth | Policy Briefing
Global Strategic Trends | UK Ministry of Defence taking note of the Post-Growth Challenge
CUSP shortlisted for 2018 ICAEW/A4S Finance For The Future Award
The Political Economy of Capitalism | INET workshop w Simon Mair, 27 August 2018
Dialogues in Turbulent Times | CUSP at 2018 International Degrowth Conference, Malmö, 21-25 Aug
A review of EROEI-dynamics energy-transition models | Journal Paper by Craig Rye and Tim Jackson
Growth for the sake of growth | Guest blog by Federico Demaria
Beyond 5%: why autonomy matters for workers’ wellbeing | Blog by Simon Mair
Understanding the ‘New Normal’—The Challenge of Secular Stagnation | Policy Briefing
Rebound Mitigation — Environmental policy making in the context of rebound effects | Seminar w David F Vivanco, 19 July 2018
Katniss Everdeen, Utopia, and The Future of Work | Blog by Simon Mair
The Future of Work—Lessons from the History of Utopian Thought | Working Paper by A Druckman, S Mair and T Jackson
Economic Theory for the Anthropocene | Workshop w Ioana Negru and Gaël Giraud, 3 July 2018
Against all odds? Modelling the low-carbon transition | Blog by Martin Sers
‘Secular stagnation’ meets the ‘GDP fetish’ | Blog by Tim Jackson
The Post-Growth Challenge — Secular Stagnation, Inequality and the Limits to Growth | Working Paper by Tim Jackson
The Energy-Emissions Trap | Journal Paper by Martin Sers and Peter Victor
T h i s is not all there is: Thinking utopias as ideas and practices | Blog by Will Davies
The Anthropocene Reading Group 2017/18—Goldsmiths, London
Confronting inequality: basic income and the right to work | Blog by Tim Jackson
Confronting inequality in a post-growth world—Basic income, factor substitution and the future of work | Working Paper by T Jackson and P Victor
A Theory of Change Approach for Measuring Economic Welfare Beyond GDP | Working Paper by C Corlet Walker, S Mair and A Druckman
Complexity in the global agricultural system | Roberto Pasqualino presenting his latest CUSP/GSI work at Agri World 2018
Closing the Gaps Between Finance and Sustainability | FINEXUS conference w Sarah Hafner and Roberto Pasqualino
The Social Effects of Global Trade | Book chapter by Simon Mair, Angela Druckman and Tim Jackson
In Defence of Degrowth — A Comment by Simon Mair
World development within Planetary Boundaries | Lecture with Johan Rockström
A fair days wage for a fair days work? | Blog by Simon Mair
The future of jobs: is decent work for all a pipe dream? | Blog by Tim Jackson
Chasing good work – reflections on The Taylor Review | By Simon Mair and Agni Dikaiou
Ecological Economics in action | CUSP paper presentations at ESEE 2017 Conference Budapest
Prosperity without Growth—Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow | By Tim Jackson
Thriving beyond Surviving | Seminar with Maja Göpel and Katherine Trebeck, 15 May 2017
Seriously Modelling what Matters | UKSD 2017 Annual Conference with Aled Jones
Integrating Health and Environment | NCSE conference with Tim Jackson
Does slow growth lead to rising instability? | Blog by Craig Rye
Disruptive Innovation Festival 2016 | Tim Jackson in conversation with Ken Webster and Joss Blériot
On the use of instability indicators in exploring inter-decadal GDP variability | Working Paper by Craig Rye and Tim Jackson
Indicators for sustainable prosperity? Challenges and potentials for indicator use in political processes | Working Paper by A Jones, S Mair et al
Spending time in a low carbon society | RSC event w/ Angela Druckman
Understanding Sustainable Prosperity – Towards a transdisciplinary research agenda | Working Paper by T Jackson et al
Measuring Prosperity? | Blog by Simon Mair
Podcast | Global Resource Observatory: the road to Dr Apocalypse | Seminar w/ Aled Jones
Nexus Thinking | Annual RGS conference w/ Tim Jackson
Is the Party Over for Economic Growth? | Panel debate w/ Tim Jackson
Growth – the good, the bad, and the ugly | St Gallen Symposium w/ Tim Jackson
Analysing dreams; abandoning nightmares | Blog by Angela Druckman
Limits Revisited | Blog by Tim Jackson
Towards a Stock-Flow Consistent Ecological Macroeconomics | Paper by Tim Jackson, Peter Victor and Ali Asjad Naqvi
Limits to Growth or Opportunities for Prosperity? | APPG launch
Spending time in a low carbon society: Less stuff, more fun? | Seminar w/ Angela Druckman
Towards a sustainable prosperity | Blog by Tim Jackson
How constraints make us grow—Growth in Transition Conference 2016 | w/ Tim Jackson
Does slow growth lead to rising inequality? | Theoretical reflections and numerical simulations by Tim Jackson and Peter Victor
Does credit create a growth imperative?—Financial Assets and Liabilities in a Stock-Flow consistent framework | Tim Jackson and Peter Victor