Greener cities for all: creating urban spaces that work for people and biodiversity | Panel discussion, London 20 Mar 2025
Cooperative ways to help farmers benefit from restoring nature | Report and Policy Briefing
SME Green Horizons: Tackling Financing for Nature-Friendly Ventures | Symposium, London 4 Feb 2025
The Care Economy | By Tim Jackson
Natural Capital Markets—What farmers and policymakers need to know | Report by Fergus Lyon and Amy Burnett
Economics for Rebels | CUSP Newsletter, April 2023
Why SME finance markets need to act fast to address nature as well as climate | Blog by Robyn Owen, Amy Burnett and Fergus Lyon
A home for all within planetary boundaries: pathways for meeting England’s housing needs | Journal Paper by Sophus zu Ermgassen et al
The Political Economy of Street Trees | Book Chapter by John Henneberry and Phil Catney
Natural Capital: Risks and Rewards | Research project in partnership with UK Food, Farming and Countryside Commission and Prince’s Countryside Fund
Land is the new frontier to greenwash corporate sins | Letter to the Financial Times
The Fifth Giant (or What Would You Do?) | Blog by Malaika Cunningham and Charlotte Mountford
Novel ways in which social innovation can tackle biodiversity loss | Blog by Fergus Lyon
Aligning the UK’s economic goals with environmental sustainability | Evidence submissions to the EAC Beyond GDP inquiry
Social innovation for biodiversity: A literature review and research challenges | Journal Paper
The urgency of reciprocity with the vegetal, fungal, and animal | Blog by Malaika Cunningham
Sustainability and social innovation in a time of climate and biodiversity emergency | CUSP stream at #ISIRC2021 conference, 8-10 Sept 2021
Billionaire space race: the ultimate symbol of capitalism’s flawed obsession with growth | Blog by Tim Jackson
Ancient, fresh visions of land | Blog by Malaika Cunningham
Enabling transformative economic change in the post-2020 biodiversity agenda | Journal Paper
Is economic growth compatible with solving climate change? | Tim Jackson in conversation with Zeke Hausfather from Breakthrough Institute
Biodiversity Risk, Natural Capital and actuarial practice | Blog by Aled Jones et al
Ensuring a Post-COVID Economic Agenda Tackles Global Biodiversity Loss | Journal paper
Podcast | Curb excess capitalism to save nature—@BBC5Live with Tim Jackson
Biodiversity in a post-growth environment | Evidence submission to the EAC Possible Future Inquiry
Cents and nonsense: A critical appraisal of the monetary valuation of nature | Journal Paper by Peter Victor
Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services | IPBES 2019
Measuring Prosperity—Navigating the Options | Working Paper by Christine Corlet Walker and Tim Jackson
Our Future in the Land | Final report of the Food, Farming & Countryside Commission
New Nature Writing: a force for sustainability and the common good? | Blog by Ian Christie and Kate Oakley
Podcast | Risk and Uncertainty in the Anthropocene | Conference w Louise Amoore and Geoff Mann
How the light gets in—The science behind growth scepticism | Blog by Tim Jackson
Which financial architecture can protect environmental commons? | Article by Nick Molho and Tim Jackson
Monetising nature: a metaphor too far? | Blog by Aled Jones
Exploring the natural capital debate—Creating a space for conversation about conservation across boundaries? | Blog by Fergus Lyon
Towards the New Normal — How to Increase Investment in the UK’s Green Infrastructure | Report
Green Finance | Alex White giving evidence to EAC, 16 January 2018
Life beyond Capital | Essay by John O’Neill
Money might grow on trees: Investing in natural capital to improve resilience | Blog by Alex White
Seeking a sustainable finance plan for the UK | Blog by Alex White
Earth System Science: A Very Short Introduction | Book review by Victor Anderson
Sustainability and HM Treasury inquiry | Evidence submission