March 18, 2025

No political mantra, no tech-bro fantasy, no alluring macroeconomic ideology has stemmed the persistent decline of economic growth. Let alone reversed it. To all intents and purposes, Tim Jackson writes, we are already living in a postgrowth world.

March 17, 2025

In this blog, Andrew Jackson summarises a recent paper co-authored with Tim Jackson exploring the economic effects of different energy transition pathways, offering fresh insight into the challenges and trade-offs of reaching net zero.

March 10, 2025

Isolate growth from public good and you are simply planning for breakdown. Building on CUSP research, Rowan Williams argues that a resilient society should be rooted in wellbeing, not wealth.

February 28, 2025

Ecological economist Arthur Lauer reflects on interviews with CUSP researchers, exploring how academic backgrounds shape future visions, the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration, and the difficulty—but necessity—of imagining positive change. 

February 17, 2025

A eulogy for Roger Coward MA, Film Maker, Teacher, Psychotherapist, Author, Musician—and PhD Student with CUSP. As read at his funeral in Abbeycwmhir on 11th February 2025 by Prof Tim Jackson, CUSP co-Director.

January 27, 2025

How can publicly funded research foster a sustainable and fairer food system? A study by CUSP and Sussex University, part of the UKRI-funded Transforming UK Food Systems programme, examines how social innovation can address diet-related ill-health and environmental challenges.

September 14, 2024

A profile of Tim Jackson, exploring his recent work and the challenges he’s tackling in the postgrowth field, written by Nick Romeo for the US magazine The New Republic. The piece is based on in-depth conversations and time Romeo spent accompanying Tim.

July 24, 2024

Advancing degrowth in Ireland requires an understanding of, and a reckoning with, the economic legacy of its colonised past, CUSP researcher Seán Fearon writes. A post-colonial economy within planetary boundaries must break with relationships of dependency and structures of unsustainability.

July 6, 2024

In recognition of World Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprise Day on June 27th, this blog discusses the necessity for increased support and investment to help smaller businesses identify, measure, and showcase nature-positive investments, and examines the roles of investors, business intermediaries, and researchers in facilitating this process.

July 2, 2024

Simon Mair reflects on the commodification of life itself through advertising that is focused on consumerism and economic growth. He explores sustainable alternatives and real-world examples of reclaiming advertising spaces for community and ecological wellbeing instead.

June 26, 2024

This blog highlights the transformative potential of organisational democracy in social enterprises, addressing challenges of participation and governance while advocating for diverse ownership structures to promote social equity and sustainable economic practices.

June 10, 2024

By examining sustainable fashion through the kaleidoscope of interdisciplinary perspectives, a recent project on the subject gained a dynamic and multifaceted view of a potential future. CUSP deputy director Fergus Lyon lays down a snapshot.

April 23, 2024

In his guest blog for CUSP, Daniel Wortel-London, a US Federal policy specialist at CASSE, argues that translating sustainability policies into legislative drafts can enhance our research, boost persuasiveness, and facilitate implementation.

April 11, 2024

This blog examines challenges and benefits experienced by our social enterprise partners in our transdisciplinary research project on sustainable food systems.

April 9, 2024

What the economic debate on Irish reunification needs most is a healthy dose of scientific reality, and an acknowledgement of ecological limits, CUSP research fellow Seán Fearon writes in his comment piece for The Irish News.

April 2, 2024

In this blog, members of the Middlesex University SME Nature Positive Finance project outline how finance for SMEs can play a role in encouraging business sustainability and emphasise the need for a specific government strategy for supporting SME nature positive investment.

March 4, 2024

Transitioning the economy from ‘business as usual’ to prioritising societal wellbeing is imperative amidst the climate emergency. A growing movement of purpose-driven business seeks meaningful change, but it needs strong support from advisors and educators to be taken seriously and offer a genuine sustainable alternative.

February 2, 2024

Conducting research that integrates and broadens insights and approaches from multiple perspectives is essential for tackling the complexities of system change. In the inaugural blog of our new series, Kate Burningham reflects on some practical implications of transdisciplinarity for academic work practices.

December 11, 2023

The the last edition of her blog series on Collecting Real Utopias, Malaika Cunningham draws together some of the themes and projects she has written about in this series and witnessed during her time as practice-based researcher in residence at Artsadmin.

December 8, 2023

The Global Tipping Points Report, launched at #COP28, urges immediate action to address Earth system tipping points. It also outlines strategies for positive tipping points in human domains, citing Norway’s shift to electric vehicles as an illustrative transformative journey toward widespread change for a more sustainable future.

September 27, 2023

Rishi Sunak has rolled back the UK’s net zero policies and ripped up decades of cross-party consensus on climate change, Tim Jackson writes. “Perhaps consensus is a commodity yet more fragile than consciousness. But its disappearance carries a tragic sense of political and social loss.”

September 14, 2023

Following the 9th International Degrowth Conference in Zagreb, CUSP researchers Patrick Elf, Simon Mair, and their colleague James Scott Vandeventer reflect on the imperative for the degrowth movement to embrace uncomfortable challenges in engaging with business, management, and organizations to advance to the next level.

September 5, 2023

In this blog, CUSP researcher Dr Amy Isham examines the ways in which advertising moulds our values towards materialism and the consequences this has for us, our children and the planet. (This blog first appeared on the Adfree Cities website, as part of the Bad Publicity series.)

August 14, 2023

For the podcast series Mum, Will the Planet Die Before I Do, British MP Nadia Whittome spoke to Babita Sharma about her efforts to bring climate education into the curriculum. In this blog post, Katy Glassborow reflects on their conversation.

June 22, 2023

In June this year, Iceland’s Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdóttir hosted the first Wellbeing Economy Forum in Reykjavík. Tim Jackson’s keynote there explored the relationship between the ‘wellbeing economy’ and the ‘growth economy’ teasing out where the logic of wellbeing differs from the logic of growth.

Emma Must was a Library Assistant in the early 1990s when she got involved in a campaign to stop a motorway extension being built through Twyford Down. Along with six other people, she was sent to prison for trying to save the hill where she played as a child.

May 30, 2023

For the past six years, we have been investigating how flow experiences can contribute to delivering sustainable prosperity. In this blog, Amy Isham reflects on the tensions that arise in the treatment of flow across disciplines, using findings from her recent journal articles. 

May 24, 2023

The investment in public transport announced in the 2023 Budget by the New Zealand Government will have far-reaching benefits for the climate and for overall wellbeing. But our CYCLES study shows young people want much more.

May 19, 2023

Growth is unsustainable. But the world beyond growth is frightening. We have built an economy that is dependent on growth. We must learn anew how society works, when the economy is not growing. And we need to confront the impossibility theorems presented to us by those who resist change.

May 16, 2023

Care is an anathema to capitalism. Its virtues are capitalism’s vices. Its employment-rich foundation for wellbeing is capitalism’s ‘productivity crisis’. Yet, without care we are nothing, our progress is nothing. Without care there is no economy.

May 5, 2023

A talk delivered by Tim Jackson for the Wellbeing Economy Alliance Ireland Hub, launching the Community of Practice for Artists and Creatives, March 2023.

April 27, 2023

Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah lost her daughter to acute asthma, exacerbated by air pollution, a decade ago. She has been fighting for clean air ever since. This is her extraordinary story. 

April 25, 2023

Striking pushes against the core capitalist dynamics also responsible for global warming, CUSP researcher Simon Mair writes. Reducing fossil fuel use will not happen without a major shift in the centres of power. Strike action is one way to build towards these shifts, and in this way can be a precursor to stronger climate action.

March 31, 2023

The UK is missing a strong and strategic coalition of pro-climate interest groups, CUSP fellow Steven R. Smith writes. If we want to ‘take back control’ and have real ‘energy security’, we’re going to have to break the silent stand-off between politicians and the public.

March 20, 2023

Already, climate change plays out in all parts of the world. Every further increment of warming will bring rapidly escalating hazards, exacerbating more intense heatwaves and floods, ocean warming and coastal inundation. CUSP researcher Bronwyn Hayward reflecting on the IPCC’s AR6 Synthesis report.

January 16, 2023

Politicians are wrong to believe that we can only afford decent care in good economic times, Tim Jackson writes. Without health there is no wealth. Without care there is no health. Care is investment. It’s not a luxury consumer item.