Dr Shimaa Elkomy is a research fellow with the Centre of Environment and Sustainability at the University of Surrey. She is working with us on the Powering Productivity project that is exploring the relationship between energy and economic productivity. Dr Elkomy is leading the productivity analysis and is responsible for exploring the different aspects and moderating factors of the energy-productivity nexus. She has recently secured a small grant for our Sustainability in Healthcare project, working together with the Royal Surrey County Hospital.
Her work builds on the foundations of her PhD at the School of Economics at Lancaster University to assess the efficiency effects of policy shifts, skill promotion and technology development. Shimaa worked as a research fellow at the School of Economics since 2014 where she was responsible for a research package that examined the productivity of the the healthcare sector in the UK in a £1m pound project funded by the Leverhulme Foundation Trust.
She published numerous papers in public management and business outlets.
Selected Publications
Elkomy S, S Mair and T Jackson 2020. Energy and Productivity—a review of the literature. CUSP Working Paper No 23. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Elkomy, S, Cookson, G and Jones, S 2018. The efficiency effects of Contracting-out of cleaning services in healthcare. Public Administration Review. 79(2), 193-202.
Elkomy, S 2019. Outsourced Cleaning Leaves a Dirty Mark. Facilitate Magazine.
Elkomy, S 2014 Out-sourcing Hospital Services. Healthcare in Europe, Online Magazine.
Elkomy, S and Cookson, G. 2018. Waiting time targets and healthcare outcome. Public Organization Review. 1-18.
Elkomy, S 2018. Contract Management Capacity: the case of the UK Public Service. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. (Forthcoming).
Elkomy, S and Murad, Z 2018. Can the quality of leadership in the NHS affect quality performance in the English Hospitals. International Public Management Journal. (Under Review).
Elkomy, S, Hilary, I and R Read 2019. Heterogeneous Sectoral Growth Effects of FDI in Egypt, 1990-2007. Critical Perspectives on International Business. (Under Review)
Elkomy, S, Hilary, I and Read, R 2016. Economic and Political Determinants of the Effects of FDI On Growth in Transition and Developing Countries. Thunderbird International Business Review, 58(4), 347-362
Elkomy, S and Blanden, J 2017. The effects of Political Marginality on Healthcare Outcomes in the NHS. Working Paper
Elkomy, S, Abdelsalam, O, Martin-Oliver, A 2019. Foreign Board structure and Productivity Spillovers in the GCC. World Business (Under Review).
Elkomy,S., Hilary, I. and Read, R 2019. Foreign Innovation and Productivity Growth in the Manufacturing sector. World Business. (Under Review).
Elkomy, S 2011. The Impact of the European Mediterranean Partnership on Business Development in Mediterranean Region and its Future Aspirations. Euro-Mediterranean Partnership in the aftermath of the Arab Spring. 1st edition. Italy, Milano: FrancoAngeli.