Ian has been at the University of Surrey since 2011, teaching and researching sustainable development. His interests are mainly in the political economy and ethics of sustainability; values and behavioural change in households, communities and large organisations; and policymaking for sustainability. He has worked in various roles on CUSP’s precursor programmes led by Prof Tim Jackson—RESOLVE and the Sustainable Lifestyles Research Group. His earlier career included senior roles in think-tanks (Demos and Policy Studies Institute); in business (Henley Centre for Forecasting); and in central and local government. Ian worked independently as a sustainability advisor from 1999 to 2011, with clients including government departments, think-tanks, the Church of England, the Environment Agency and Natural England. He is an associate or trustee of several organisations concerned with sustainability, environmental policy and public engagement in policymaking and ethics: Green Alliance, Involve, Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development, New Economics Foundation and Theos.
Recent publications
Gatersleben B, Rieg N and I Christie 2023. Driving Change towards Sustainability in Public Bodies and Civil Society Organisations: Expert Interviews with UK Practitioners, In: Sustainability, 15(10)8292. DOI: 10.3390/su15108292.
Stone L, Montes de Oca G and I Christie 2022. A Commoners’ Climate Movement. In: Howarth C, Lane M, Slevin A (eds): Addressing the Climate Crisis: Local action in theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-79739-3_3
Smith S R and I Christie 2021. Knowledge Integration in the Politics and Policy of Rapid Transitions to Net Zero Carbon: A Typology and Mapping Method for Climate Actors in the UK. In: Sustainability 2021, 13(2), 662
Oakley K, Ward J & I Christie 2017. Engaging the imagination: ‘new nature writing’, collective politics and the environmental crisis. Environmental Values, 27 (6).
Jones, A, Mair, S, Ward, J, Druckman, A, Lyon, F, Christie, I, Hafner, S 2016: Indicators for Sustainable Prosperity?—Challenges and potentials for indicator use in political processes. CUSP Working Paper No. 03 . Guildford: University of Surrey.
Christie, I, Jackson, T, & Rawles, K 2011. Ethical, Social and Behavioural Impacts of Climate Change. UK Government Office for Science Foresight programme on International Dimensions of Climate Change. London: Government Office for Science.
Christie, I 2010. Human Flourishing and the Environment, discussion paper for Theos, Cafod and Tearfund project Wholly Living on flourishing and development.
Carley M and I Christie, 2000. Managing Sustainable Development, London: Earthscan, second edition.