Martin Sers

Dr Martin Sers

University of Victoria


Martin is a former PhD researcher with CUSP at York University’s faculty of Environmental studies and a PhD research fellow with the Economics for the Anthropocene (E4A) graduate training partnership. He worked within our systems dynamics theme.

Working under the supervision of Prof Peter Victor, Martin has a keen interest in the ecological and post-Keynesian variants of macroeconomics, and a deep interest understanding the linkages between macroeconomic modelling and earth-system science. Martin’s research for CUSP concerns investigating both problems and possible solutions associated with modelling capital-labour substitution in system-dynamics models.

In September 2021, Martin has started a postdoc position at the University of Victoria. In addition to his PhD in ecological economics, Martin holds an Honours Undergraduate degree in mathematics from Mount Allison University and a master’s degree in economics from Carleton University. He worked for a time as an applied economist at Cambridge Econometrics in Cambridge UK before returning to academia to pursue studies in ecological economics.

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