Closing the Gaps Between Finance and Sustainability
Presentations by S Hafner and R Pasqualino at FINEXUS conference
Zürich, 17-19 January 2018

CUSP researchers Sarah Hafner and Roberto Pasqualino to give poster presentations at the Second Conference on Financial Networks and Sustainability at the University of Zurich, 17-19 January 2018. Organised by FINEXUS, the Center for Financial Networks and Sustainability, the event is aimed at reconciling sustainability and finance by narrowing existing gaps between analytical methods, financial instruments and governance processes.
This three-day conference bridges academic research, industry and policy expertise. Practitioner sessions present success stories from leading experts and discuss how the insights from research could help to address the challenges faced by the financial industry and by policy makers. Research sessions report the latest findings from leading scholars in the field and discuss the future avenues of research. Confirmed speakers for the event include: Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University), Mafalda Duarte (Head of Climate Investment Funds) and Graeme Maxton (Secretary General of Club of Rome). For more information, visit the FINEXUS website.
Sarah will be presenting her systems modelling work on Policy recommendations to up-scale “green” finance into the UK energy supply sector. Roberto will be introducing his research on Feedback and network system modelling of Annex Parties for addressing structural inequality and role of climate finance towards global sustainability.