CUSP hosting Green Finance Session with Fergus Lyon, Robyn Owen and Geraldine Brennan | Middlesex University and ISBE conference on SME Finance, 10 years after the crisis
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
There is global interest in innovations that can tackle climate change. However, many early stage businesses cannot find the investment they require. The Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity will be hosting a session on early stage investment for green SMEs as part of a day long conference exploring innovations in SME financing. This session will explore the needs of business and also identify different forms of public support for early stage finance found in the UK and around the world.
The event is free to attend. Please register your seat via Eventbrite.
The SME Finance conference, hosted at Middlesex University in partnership with the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) is examining the ongoing development of alternative forms of entrepreneurial finance a decade after the Global Financial Crisis. During this turbulent period which has seen both banks and private equity participants withdraw from the early stage entrepreneurial finance markets in the UK and most developed economies, a large number of alternative forms of early stage entrepreneurial finance have emerged. These include crowd funding, incubators and accelerators, angel groups, asset finance, alternative public investment, government interventions into grants, loans, mezzanine and pure equity finance. This conference will present the latest research and practitioner evidence from the UK and developed economies, addressing how the early stage entrepreneurial finance escalator has evolved since the post GFC breakages.
For further details about the programme of the day, please visit the Eventbrite page.
Committee Rm 1, Hendon Town Hall
Middlesex University
The Burroughs
Hendon NW4 4BT
09:30am – 6pm
For further details, please contact Dr Robyn Owen.