Wellbeing and Productivity—Better ways for business, people and planet
In CUSP (Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity) we have been trying to untangle the relationship between wellbeing and productivity, by reviewing the existing scientific literature and holding workshops with experts in the field.
At the PrOPEL Hub we bring together experts on people and productivity to produce practical lessons, ideas and tool-kits on productivity and wellbeing, all informed by the latest research and evidence.
In this workshop, we are interested to hear what people from different walks of life think about the nature of the relationship between wellbeing and productivity: Are happy employees more productive? Can businesses harm employee wellbeing when pursuing greater productivity? What are the steps that businesses can take to promote both wellbeing and productivity? What are the implications of these steps for wider issues such as climate change and COVID-19?
Following an interactive, participatory ideas mapping process, we will discuss how the existing evidence base can or cannot support these ideas.
The workshop is led by Dr Amy Isham (CUSP) and Dr Helen Fitzhugh (PrOPEL Hub).
Monday, 09 November 2012
The event is free of charge, but places are limited. You can register your seat via Eventbrite. For enquiries, please email events@cusp.ac.uk.