One Hundred Islands
An Interactive Installation | ESRC Festival of Social Science
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
One Hundred Islands is an installation that has been created through a collaboration between The Bare Project Theatre Company and the CUSP. The installation responds to the concept of denial: in particular the denial of the immediate need for change. Why are we failing to act? Is it that we won’t listen or that we are unable to?
One Hundred Islands will combine interviews with academics and thinkers from multiple disciplines who are trying to understand this phenomena, with artistic segments that wrestle with the same questions. We hope this piece will provide a space for audiences to explore the need for change and what’s stopping us.
This installation is a work-in-progress: due to the interactive nature of the piece, it is important to have audience input throughout the process as we continue to collect interviews and insights. Therefore, as part of this installation, we would really value your thoughts and ideas!
York Theatre Royal
St Leonard’s Pl
YO1 7HD York
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Half hourly, from 4–6.30pm
Book your ticket via the York Theatre Royal website. For enquiries, please contact Malaika Cunningham. For information about the #ESRCFestival of Social Science, please see the ESRC website.